We should also take into consideration the fact that seasoned US slave owners preferred slaves from the interior of Africa as opposed to the coast, as they were seen as being more fit for the cotton and rice economic landscape.
Well known white Natchez Mississippi planter/slaver, William Dunbar, express that Mississippi planters held a preference for Africans from the interior, stating "there are certain nations from the interior of Africa the individuals of which I have always found more civilized, at least better disposed than those from the coast, such as Bornon, Houssa, Zanfara, Zegzeg, Kapina, and Tombootoo regions". "The bornon" are those from the bornu empire, the "Houssa" are the Hausa, "Kapina" refers to those from the Katsina region of present day northern Nigeria and Southern Niger. "Zanfara" refers to the Zamfara region, another region in present day Northern Nigeria and southern Niger. Tombootoo refers to the Bambara of Mail. All of these regions happen to have heavy islamic influenced populations.
We have the account of people like Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua, of the Nilo-Saharan Dendi people, who were brought to the US as slaves.
Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua - Wikipedia
Dendi people - Wikipedia