Jesus H. Christ
I died for your sins
Word on the skreet, the bucks yelled super kick party before upper cutting Larry
Dog set took an L

Dog set took an L
A lot of these allegations are unfounded. I can assure you that Larry lost no teeth and we are currently in negotiations with CM Punk.
Shouldn't you be tagging @TripleH. Unlike some previous company presidents I would like to state I have no open investigations involving sexual allegations.
Shouldn't you be tagging @TripleH. Unlike some previous company presidents I would like to state I have no open investigations involving sexual allegations.
Funny thing I just read on ResetEra.
Colt vs Jericho for the RoH belt may be coming down the pipeline
Jericho at first wanted to beat all the former RoH World Champions. Wednesday he said he wanted to "destroy" all former RoH champions, no matter what belt they had, including tag champions. I thought it was odd.........then someone pointed out Colt was a tag champion with Punk.