Admit simp crimes you've committed


May 3, 2012
I opened a car door and pulled a chair for a girl to sit down, never again! :troll:

edit: dam liggins :damn:, I got tired of reading them stories, I need a break :whew:
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May 6, 2012
But yeah, honestly I'm not going to lie. When I was younger I was a hopeless romantic (simp) I use to write poems to girls I liked in middle school ( ACTUAL POEMS bruhs, not know "roses are red" shhit) and all of that. My father both schooled me on the game as well as let me experience for myself what it was like. He always tells me now that he use to HATE to think of the day I'd get my heart broken and become cynical towards women because I was always such a caring boy. But he explained to me then and now, that women aren't really looking for "feelings" as opposed to "security". Women want a man who is sure of themselves, confident, and willing to live without them. Women NEED to know that they are expendable in any given relationship. If your woman is your everything and she KNOWS this from the jump, then she has the advantage. Which means she has license to do any and everything she wants, including disrespect you, talk down to you, fukk over you,etc.

"A woman looks at a man the way a man looks at money" My Father always taught me. "A man will spend his entire life chasing dollars because Dollars equal a better life, a better car, a better house. But when they get enough of it then it becomes disposable, they lose respect for it, for what it took to accumulate it." This is why you see Floyd Mayweather burning $100 dollar bills at the club. Why you see T-Pain rocking a chain that says nothing but "BIG ASS CHAIN" in diamonds. Why you see Jay-Z and Kanye West tearing up $200,000 plus luxury cars in videos. What it took to gain that wealth has been trivialized, it's in abundance and therefore it has become disposable.

Women are the same way. A woman will spend half her time searching for the "right man" a man who respects her, loves her, listens to her, is attentive, romantic, etc. A man who truly loves her and supports her equal a better life, better house, a better car. But when that man is truly and unconditionally open to her and they get enough of it, then he becomes disposable, she loses respect for him, for what it took emotionally to forge that connection and openness. The "mystery" of him is no more. This is why you see women who constantly chase after "thug *****s". This is why you hear about wives fukking thier husbands friends, associates, coworkers. This is why you have music videos with Rhianna glorifying unstable relationships full of arguing, drug use, and insecurity. Talking about falling in love in a "hopeless place", because in that "hopeless place" is the thrill of the unknown. What it takes to have a man who can provide security, comfort, open displays of affection, and love has been trivialized, it is in abundance and therefore has become disposable.

Even as a married man I still, and forever will, see my wife as a woman first. I'm as open with her as I've been with any woman however, she knows that she is NOT irreplaceable. I will dump her just as quickly as I would have before we were married and have made this quite clear. Before we were married I broe up with her before and just cold turkey stopped talking to her. She knows that as a man I've been taught and raised that I need NO woman to define my life or make me fulfilled. If she disrespects me its a wrap. If we're having a conversation or argument and she begins to speak to me in a manner unbecoming of my status as a MAN, I calmly ask her " Who the Fukk do you think your talking too?" Not like I'm Ike Turner, but like a MAN who will not be talked down too. As a RULE I make it a principle to not talk down to my wife, I treat her as an adult and a grown woman, and she WILL do the same at all times. I've told her, as well as any other woman I've dated that this is NOT a request, it is a DEMAND. My father taught me that when it comes to women never EXPECT respect. DEMAND it. I give it to her and she will give it to me.
A lot of men let puccyy dictate how they treat women, they'll put up with certain things in order to make sure they are still smashing that Ass at the end of the night. I get this, but as my father taught me, " She wants it just as much as you do." this is key. If I need to allow a woman to run roughshod over me just to get some sex then something is WRONG in this equation. If I stand my ground on an issue and it equals no sex, then that woman is probably giving up the goods on the side anyways.

I'd love to go back to the fairy tale of my youth, where girls were exotic, heavenly creatures to be admired and romanced. Where beng inspired to write a poem about a female was a thrilling gesture.Where I could dream about getting a girl to love me based upon the virtue of my character. Sadly, that world does NOT exist, and honestly it never did. The "Game" is the same as its been since the beginning of time. My father, when I was a kid, use to always watch cartoons and animated movies with us. One time we were watching Bambi, and he pointed to a scene in which grown up Bambi sees the female doe and falls in love. He's dancing around the forest all "twitterpated" and in awe of this beautiful creature. Suddenly another male aggressively shows up and begins to make off with the female. Bambi, at first confused, tries to lead off with the female, but the aggressive male buck comes between them. The female doe begins to walk off with the aggressive male buck until Bambi, coming to understanding with the way the world and nature truly is, becomes enraged and engages the Male Buck in combat. It is a thrillingly violent sequence (for a childrens movie) that ends with Bambi triumphantly subduing his adversary, his prize the right to mate and have children with the female doe. My father would watch this sequence, tell me to pay attention "Because this is a lesson I'd learn later in life" and say "that's it!" at the end of the sequence.

The point is that the female doe didn't give two flying fukks how much Bambi was in "love" with her. How much he was frolicking at the sight of her. She was perfectly happy to go mate with the aggressive male buck until Bambi wised up and fought for his right to mate. His right to sire children. His right to call himself a Buck. It was the AGRESSIVENESS that got Bambi the woman, his unwillingness to be disrespected, his DEMAND for proper loyalty. NOT his emotions.

THIS is the way of relationships. A man must never allow his emotions for a woman to be the end all and be all of the relationship. For if it is, he will NOT have his woman for long, she'll be off smashing the next male Buck.
ladies and gentleman... Ziggiy.



Nov 27, 2012
There's only one simp crime I committed, and that was the one time I bought a female a gift.... and I never even hit :snoop: I was only 17 brehs I didnt know the rules :sadcam:

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Back in High School simped for this slutty Puerto Rican girl because I fell for her sob story. She was in foster care. Never again. And since I've known which kind of women to go after and which type of women to only f*ck and thats it...

Good news is I wasn't even her boyfriend. She had a boyfriend but I was sharing her along with other people. HEHEHEHE...She on the poor guy so many times.:lolbron:


May 6, 2012
Hmmmm I never shared the Plum Lumpkin stories because I think I had already wrote the original "Confessions of an Utterly Pathetic Simp" on SOHH and didn't want people to know I relapsed in a major way. If my original simping was crack, Plum Lumpkin was bath salts. :snoop:

Anyway, I met Plum right after my girl of three years moved out. Plum is a bus driver. I started riding her bus after my job moved my shift start time forward 15 minutes. This required me to leave a full hour earlier for work so I started riding her bus. It took me awhile to notice her but when I did I was :noah:

She was amazing behind the wheel. She had big juicy lips. And a high, ditzy voice. We started greeting each other and she would get downtown a few minutes early so I could make a connection with another bus. After a few weeks I got the nerve to talk to her. My opening line? "You drive well." :snoop:

She giggled and we began talking. I stayed with her on her layover and we went from there. Anyway between the free bus rides and the good sex your boy was smitten. She was having trouble paying a variety of bills so I paid them. Rent? Paid. Car note? Paid. Storage fees? Paid. Lawyers? Paid. Oh yeah, she was married too.

Everything was going great until she started acting strange. Real passive aggressive. I'd ask her what's wrong and she'd be like, "nothing." You know how women be. And if I pushed the issue she'd say something was wrong with me.

So after like a week of this we got into a huge argument and deaded each other. She was one of those chicks to run to Facebook and make statuses about every life detail so she was lighting me up. Had to unfriend her.

A couple of weeks later I wrote a long Facebook message letter that would make Drake cringe and she just shyt all over me. She was still on my Yahoo messenger list so I'd see little status messages about other nikkas. Had me :to: for real.

nikka was at work crying. CRYING. Blubbering my nigs. I had to be consoled in the private screening room. Suicide was running through my head on the daily. Had my anti depressant meds upped. Sad times. But we're not through.

There was this particular bus that came to represent me and Plum's relationship; 2871. I don't know why because all that happened on that bus was that Plum had a slip a and fall after someone tripped over the wheelchair lift. That would factor in later though.

So anyway I see this bus everywhere. I mean everywhere. Seven days a week day and night all across town 2871. Even had it as my FB profile pic. A few times. One night I say to myself if I ride this bus home that means to talk to Plum. Sure enough there it was. :gladbron:

So I get drunk and message Plum. She's actually receptive. :obama: I told her I missed her. She says she missed me too. After being asked. :why: But that's good enough for me. So after a little small talk she starts talking about her financial issues. Turns out she got suspended for a week for that slip and fall on bus 2871. :ohhh:

Instead of seeing this as a HUGE fukkING RED FLAG and running far far away. I dive right in. I take care of certain bills THAT NIGHT and we meet a later that week so I can give her money.

We start dating again but it's not like last time. This time she treats me like shyt the whole time. She would talk to me like I'm stupid. Anyone could tell she was barely able to stand me. I used to bring her lunch on my off days and I'd ride a couple of trips with her. But then she'd want me off. :sadbron:

Man, this is long. I'm tired of typing. I'll finish later.

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:gladbron: HOLY shyt! We're the fukk was I at not reading this piff?? :wow:


May 6, 2012
when i was a senior in high school i had a crush on this fine ass mixed chick who was only a sophmore. she had just broken up with her boyfriend over christmas break so i decided i was gonna swoop in and get a valentine's day present. i stayed up until 1 a.m. after getting off of work making her a card on MS Paint.

when i gave it to her at school the next day shorty literally cried in my arms!! i just knew i was gonna get some p*ssy. after school, she gave me a ride home along with some other people and out of no where she just broke down crying talking about how she misses her ex and can't believe another girl (a girl who i previously simped on). shorty put her head in her lap and started crying while she was driving!! i had to hold the wheel to keep us alive.

after i finally convinced her to pull over, she called her ex, but she was so hysterical she couldn't talk to him. that's when she pulls out a notepad and starts writing shyt down that she wants me to tell him. i was actually the go-between for this bytch i was trying to smash and her ex. everytime dude saw me for the rest of the year he was like :smugfavre::smugdraper: i never hit. she started fukking some freshman whiteboy literally days after it happened.
This is the fukking coli right here, embodied in this post. :wtf: man!??


R.I.P. Kobe and Nip, that’s off the rip
May 14, 2012
:laff: :laff: at these stories, y'all wild

in high school I paid for dates without smashing a couple of times :manny:

the worst simp crime I ever committed was in freshman year of college, this chick with a fat ass would skip class and ask me for lecture notes and I'd give em to her (never smashed her) but I figured it out pretty quickly :pachaha:
May 3, 2012
St louis
helped a homegirl get close to a rams
player who copped her fake tittys in exchange
for p*ssy on tap until she married that hoe ass nikka.
cant even be mad......I feasted for like 6 months.



Jun 12, 2012
Does anyone the the thread about the guy buying his girl a macbook?


Apr 30, 2012
I live right next to the biggest army base in the world Fort Hood. Every time those soldiers get deployed, those women are right in the clubs. Every time.

You in killeen Breh?

DreadHead P

lettin em hang and swang
Resting in Peace
May 1, 2012
Deep in the south kickin uptop game
got engaged at 21

I might have that beat, I proposed to the girl I was wit throughout high school when 18/19, wasn't necessarily a love thing though, I was in the military and I wanted to bring her out west wit me, without that in the equation I wouldn't have never gone out like that

Most simped out shyt I ever did :snoop: still shames me to think about it, I was gonna post it but I dont think im ready to deal wit that L just yet :to: