nikkas in here really trying to use indigenous artwork and old engravings to prove Native Americans were black? 

By some of y'alls logic, the images below are PROOF that the original Africans were Asian:
"What African do you know with light skin and slanted eyes breh" :infocrazy:
"AGAIN...look at the slanted eyes and CLEAR epicanthic folds, flat round face, and smooth nose bridge, definitely Asiatic features" :infocrazy:

By some of y'alls logic, the images below are PROOF that the original Africans were Asian:

"What African do you know with light skin and slanted eyes breh" :infocrazy:

"AGAIN...look at the slanted eyes and CLEAR epicanthic folds, flat round face, and smooth nose bridge, definitely Asiatic features" :infocrazy:
Please do not explain to me why this is African art. I already know it is.
Obviously, I don't believe these examples to be proof that the original Africans were Asiatic. My point is to say, that if you're basing your assumptions on artwork that isn't concerned with perfect anatomical accuracy, then you're going to come to some pretty crazy conclusions. Not to mention that many of the Western works cited in this thread were based on second- and third-hand descriptions of Native Americans. You think these were live illustrations or something?
The examples cited in this thread of European artists drawing dark-skinned indigenous Native Americans can easily be chalked up to the inherent racial attitudes or color biases of the artist; it may well have been the case that many westerners saw all races that were darker than "white" to be pretty much the same.
Obviously, I don't believe these examples to be proof that the original Africans were Asiatic. My point is to say, that if you're basing your assumptions on artwork that isn't concerned with perfect anatomical accuracy, then you're going to come to some pretty crazy conclusions. Not to mention that many of the Western works cited in this thread were based on second- and third-hand descriptions of Native Americans. You think these were live illustrations or something?

The examples cited in this thread of European artists drawing dark-skinned indigenous Native Americans can easily be chalked up to the inherent racial attitudes or color biases of the artist; it may well have been the case that many westerners saw all races that were darker than "white" to be pretty much the same.
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