More portrayals of the Creek War

The argument is that they didn't know what the fukk they were drawing.
How does the average two-bit European artist in the 17th century know how to draw facial features and skin color of every ethnic group from across the world? It's not like the guy who made that map had personally traveled to Asia, Africa, South America, and North America. They were given some descriptions and drew some shyt. Probably saw someone showing off a black slave and said, "Okay, I haven't seen an American but I'll start with the African and then just shift it a little based on the description." The same way they did with the animals, drawing a sloth that looks like an altered monkey or a walrus that looks like an altered seal.
And even if they had traveled there, how did they tell the difference between legit natives and Black Africans who had already gotten there 100 years earlier, and mixes? By the 1700s Hispanola and some other Caribbean islands already had far more Africans on them than natives, as did parts of Belize and South America too.
While his argument is terrible, I do want to believe that Africans might have sailed across. There's two pieces of actual evidence for that:
So you saying Egyptians ain't black?![]()
Always knew you were a crakkka.
Something bout you Bron stans always comes off as non-black even when we just talking sports.
Ignorance that I've caught Everythingg in on just this thread alone:
#1: The very first painting he posted on the threads was labeled "French and English Negroes" by the PAINTER himself, they were wearing European-style clothing with a White Englishman standing there with IN THE fukkING PICTURE, and Everythingg tried to pass them off as natives.
#2: Said, "If you can explain who those people are and where they came from, then by all means do so," then ignored the explanation with receipts from THE PAINTER WHO PAINTED THE DAMN PICTURE.
#3: The next pictures he posted were Black Caribs, were LABELED AS BLACK CARIBS by the painter himself, when we know the whole history of when Black people joined up with the Caribs in the late 1600s and got the name Black Caribs from their combination.
#5: Said his pictures showed Black people "in a place they shouldnt be" when the paintings were from HUNDREDS OF YEARS AFTER slaves got there.
#6: When it was pointed out that the Black Caribs acknowledge slave ship ancestry, said, "Doesnt matter what people say they know about their own history."
#7: Tried to use a blurry half-assed painting from the 1800s to claim that was proof that Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor in the 1500s, was Black three hundred years earlier even though he was a fukking White dude from the Netherlands with a million white-ass paintings of him from the 1500s out there.
#8: Claimed that his pictures proved that there were Africans in America before White people came, even though the paintings were made by White people and there were White people IN THE fukkING PAINTINGS.
#9: Posted paintings made by a guy who had NEVER been to America, from the same book where the same guy painted a South American three-toed sloth to look like an Asian sloth bear, and then claimed that the accuracy of the paintings could not be questioned.
#10: Said that inaccurate animal drawings were irrelevant to the accuracy of the Native drawings even when the inaccurate animals were from the same book or even in the SAME PICTURE.
#11: Posted a picture of British negotiating with Jamaican Maroons and tried to claim they were actually natives that were there before the White people, when the Jamaican Maroons had fukking GUNS in the picture, then the painter himself had written the exact people group and war they were negotiating in question, an 1780s war fought 150 YEARS after the first slaves escaped and started fighting in Jamaica.
#12: Claimed a painting from 1795 by a painter who had NEVER BEEN to Tierra del Fuego was more accurate than actual photos of the people from 1880. Tried to claim that in the 85 years between 1795 and 1880, their Blackness somehow disappeared.
#13: Posted a mistranslation of a translation of Giovanni da Verranzzano saying that Carolina Indians were Black like Ethiopians, when the actual original translation from a hundred years earlier said, "russet like Saracen", meaning reddish-brown like Arabs. Then tried to claim that "russet" means Black and that it must refer to black Muslims.
#14: Deceptively combined Verranzzano's mistranslated 1524 words about Carolina Indians with paintings made 150 years later by a Dutch dude who had never been to the Americas but was copying paintings from a Dutch trip that observed African slaves working in BRAZIL.
#15: Refused to name and defend the existence of a single pre-European Black tribe in the Americas. He couldn't name ONE tribe that was Black.
#16: In the worst self-ether of the whole thread....Posted a White man in 1874 claiming that California Indians were dark brown approaching black with matted hair, large projecting lips, and broad flat negro-like noses and that they "bear a strong resemblance to negroes", ignoring that we have hundreds of photos of California Indians from all over California in 1874 and even though they are dark brown, have matted hair, big lips, and broad noses, NONE OF THEM LOOK THE LEAST BIT LIKE NEGROES.
Your argument is done.
100% of your argument involves us having to trust your claims that these random White men who compared Native Americans to Negroes could distinguish them.
Since we have PROOF that California Indians were not Negroes in 1874, we have PROOF that some White people can't tell the difference.
And since 99% of the actual paintings, 99% of the actual descriptions, 100% of the actual natives, and 100% of the actual photos say that Native Americans weren't Black....
What are you going to believe?
The 1% of idiot Europeans who thought that all dark-skinned people looked the same?
Or the 99% whose accounts agree completely with all the photos, all the DNA, and the all the Natives themselves?
Black Woman with Child - Wikipedia
This is embarrassing and absolutely disrespectful to our Ancestors. Bro do you understand that you got dudes out here who are really saying that George Washington was black? That the British royal family is black or at least had some black ancestors? Don't get me wrong yes Africans were in Europe and it wasn't always in an involuntary position but you really have these negroes going in and rewriting another racial groups history. I guess it's been happening to us for so long that we've turned around and started doing the same thing. I've been to six African countries and I always go to the black community in Colombia and America is the only place where I hear this foolishness.So brehs here took a picture of a Black slave in Brazil and made a fake caption calling it a Native American.
The fact that people still don't understand there were African slaves in the Americas in the 1600s and 1700s.
so this was what Natives in that region looked like, from the exact same expedition. Completely different clothing, body type, and facial features: