The only reason certain black people respond to that type of ignorance is that it is propagandized so heavily by white capitalists to continue a subjugation of the racial classes of black and brown masses...that shyt is not organic folks don't create or want a culture of ignorance; never have in our history. It was CREATED by white racists and capitalists who control both the means of production and the mass media...its a historical and contemporary trend. Check out Franz Fanon's work about the effects on racial capitalism on the colonized (Wretched of the Earth), or Leon Dash's All Our Kin, which shows how the black underclasses refuse to take the idea of "ignorance" or "distrust" or any other stereotypical claim about us at all...its deeper than "black folks want ignorance" THAT IS NOT TRUE and my PhD work I do disproves that idea. We have never wanted ignorance and we still don't see individuals who are like that because those ideas and most importantly, those SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS make it that it so much going on in our community that we have no control over its mindblowing...point is that none of the ignorant shyt you see is organic or our own doing; there is a systemic reason and that's what my work is trying to show and fix
I feel you breh but I can't go entirely with its just propaganda. I believe that is a factor but I believe in the factor of some people just wanting crap because they want crap. Whether that's right or wrong is obviously up for debate but I can't completely ignore that factor. There's always people who like watching train wrecks or car wrecks