Professor Mac
Im African not black
Sandra Bland was found hanging too. If they want you die they will find a way
There's only so many ways that you can kill yourself in prison

Sandra Bland was found hanging too. If they want you die they will find a way
Naw. He already did two yrs. And still could have appealed the first murder charge. By yall logic he had nothing to gain by fighting the double murder so why fight it. Crazy thing is he won. Its something else going on.
what the fukkyou actually believe shyt like that happens.. smh
He killed someone ...Life shouldn't have been easy for himdamn, guess prison really fukked dude's head up, from what i've heard that shyt ain't no walk in the park. who the hell wants to be stuck in a cell for life? that shyt would eat your soul for real.
I heard more and more appeals are goin the defendants favor as opposed to 20 years ago when it was slim to one. Look at max bI agree. He should have at least waited until the Odin appeals were over.
The chances of the appeals actually going through were slim, but there was still a chance.