Ron Mexico
Rest in piss 

who else committed that?
could probably hear the cheers from his prison cell
real talk, people who never had the privilege to be locked up don't understand the mental anguish that goes into it. You guys watch movies or know someone whose been in, there's a reason why you have guys saying "i'm never going back there again" and would prefer to kill themselves after committing petty crimes then get arrested again.
him being out and in that court room , seeing his girl and his kid - seeing everyone leave teh court room and go off to their families while he was sent back to jail, with a bunch of other guys, in that nasty ass prison cell
that's too much for someone who had sort of a silver spoon since college.
you guys just don't get it and can't fathom the mentality of what goes on with someone in that situation. That's why you're in disbelief.
he beat that last case for the sake of his daughter, not him personally
He was still serving lifeSo after he is found NOT guilty he kills himself ?
No sympathy ..jus makes no sense
how many other murder trials does he have pending? i can't say i kept up after he got locked up on the first one.
something about him gives off low key gay vibes to me. i wonder if he offed himself because he was about to be exposed.