People become nostalgic during hard times. These are easily the hardest times for millions of people worldwide. For Gen Z, it’s so bad they are nostalgic for time periods they weren’t even alive to experience a la the 80’s and the 90’s.

Can you blame them? Many of them graduated in 2020. Couldn’t even go to prom because of lockdown, couldn’t have a real college experience because learning is all virtual, the younger Gen Z even got it worst because they can’t even have a normal adolescence because you have to be wrapped in bubble wrap and injected with a new mystery vax every week just to go outside. Also, even Gen Z knows deep down times were better before social media and smartphones/devices even though they were basically raised by these things.
The nostalgia isn’t just for music. People wearing old clothes too. You go to the thrift stores nowadays and that shyt is packed with younger folks wearing old ass concert t shirts and releases of basic 80’s shoes (Dunks and Jordan 1’s).
And the new music simply don’t match the times. Nobody in the mainstream making any real social commentary. When times were hard in the 90’s, all of that gaudy 80’s excess died down real quick. Now, it’s the same old tired trap music making you feel bad for not being a fake ass rap millionaire. Or drill music dissing dead folks that all sounds the same still riding the same tired ass beats. No creativity, no soul. Not to mention genres like R&B, Rock and Pop music that was actually good been dead for decades at this point.