Bolded is a possibility. Women put other guys in boxes without even realizing it. You may fit a "mold" some people have in their mind. Few years back I tried to get with this brehette I used to work with. When I hinted I was feelin her she kinda blushed and gave a look like she wanted to say something but didnt know how. Rare since she usually always says whats on her mind.
Im like "what?"
She paused for a bit and just blurted it out "
I thought you only liked white girls......
Keep in mind that I never once EVER conveyed anything like this to her at all not even jokingly or in passing. When I asked why she said "Iunno... you just seem like the type i guess
"The type". I know its only one example but up until that point I never really thought I could get sized up in that way by a brehette, especially not even AFTER I get to know them some. THen I got to thinking.. how many of them have missed out on the kid because of this?
Something to be mindful of. Drop hints. Just put yourself out there and see who bites. If she has a man, dont let that stop you, she could be unhappy w/ him.. If youre as decent looking as you say you are(
), you'll find you a nice chocolate thing in time. Its a numbers game, just keep shooting. Try weekend events.