Peter Parker
So I guess the show is no longer a book adaption but a completely different thing now?
tf i'm always wonderingSo I guess the show is no longer a book adaption but a completely different thing now?
shyt's reminding me of The Prestige where nolan COMPLETELY flipped what happened in the book for the movie, like there was a "change" at damn near every pivotal point in the shytSo I guess the show is no longer a book adaption but a completely different thing now?
Well, its official. My suspicions after the Alex Graves interview were accurate Lady Stoneheart has been cut from Game of Thrones
I'm surprisingly OK with it. There is way too much story left to tell with only 3 seasons to go.
So I guess the show is no longer a book adaption but a completely different thing now?
Nah it wasnt always that, Season one like an exact adaption of A Game Of Thrones, and season 2 was a little funky but it was basically the same general idea, same for 3, this is probably the first season where they take a gigantic swerve from the book seriesIt was always that. Don't see why one spoils the other.
I watched one and a half seasons before I read AGot and ACoK. Loved both books despite watching the series first. Then I pushed ahead with the books and still loved the show.
You can criticize and appreciate at the same time. The books also have their issues.
Yeah maybe they will recast her and introduce her by putting her on the back of Coldhands elk for a dual revealI still believe we are going to get Stoneheart. She'll probably be recasted because the actress is busy. I'm still holding out hope
all im sayin is GRRM sure is lettin them pull some frankenstein shyt with his storyYeah maybe they will recast her and introduce her by putting her on the back of Coldhands elk for a dual reveal
This is some strooooonnnngg denial
....on a side note, this elimination of an important character bodes well for Coldhands importance in the books. I know many people wondered if Coldhands mattered since he was cut, but here we have a clear example of a character that matters being cut.
Unless he isn't?Jamie can't die in Dorne. I believe he's the Valonquar that kills Cersei.
Jamie can't die in Dorne. I believe he's the Valonquar that kills Cersei.
all im sayin is GRRM sure is lettin them pull some frankenstein shyt with his story
them hbo checks must bestatus
are you also going to get "World of Ice and Fire"..comes out octoberReading GRRM's "Fevre Dream" vampire novel, about halfway through
It was a decent little tale, but then unexpectedly a little past the 1/3rd mark there is a chapter that completely switches gears and just lays out the mythology before switching back to the tale....this chapter was
What this chapter did was it served to remind me just how thirsty I am for more ASOIAF mythology. The adventures of Jon, Dany, and Tyrion are such a small part of my interest in the series. I don't really give as much of a fukk who lives or dies, who sits on the Iron Throne, who redeems themself and who destroys those around them. I want to know what happened at the Tower of Joy. I want to know why The Others came thousands of years ago and why they are returning. I want to know who truly was responsible for starting Robert's Rebellion. I want to know whether the Faceless Men caused the Doom of Valyria and why there must always be a Stark in Winterfell.
Winds of Winter can no longer satisfy my thirst. I need a Dream of Spring
This "Fevre Dream" mythology chapter structure can definitely be used in ASOIAF.....Bran, Howland Reed, Varys, Marwyn, and Sam at the Citadel have the power.