Finished malazan 2 years ago. The twist that happenedI'm on the 6th book (The Bonehunters) and I'd say it's just as good as ASOIAF but a lot harder to get into. Also the effort to remember names, places, affiliations, etc. is on par with how difficult it is for non-book readers to keep up with GoT.
Stop spoiling shyt, nikkaFinished malazan 2 years ago. The twist that happenedshadowthrone and cotillion da gawds
Who ever the hell he is, I can't wait for more Aegon VI material.
I'm not sure why people see him as a brat either, I think he outgrew it once he took Tyrion's advice about heading to Westeros. He's even putting himself in the front lines taking castles.
Aegon VI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dany
Aegon is gonna feel the ether of all seven hells when he finds out he's just a sewer rat that Varys found in a garbage dump. His entire life he's been led to believe his father was this gallant noble prince, that he was royalty and that he was the true heir to the entire Seven Kingdoms. Breh gonna commit that when he learns he's just the son of some fat greasy overweight merchantHe gonna either commit that or kill everybody who knows the truth
you shut your damned mouthAm I the only person who was likewhen Jon Connington revealed he was suffering from Greyscale? Not that he was suffering from it, but that can potentially fukk up the entire situation.
imma come cleanExcept that he is a Blackfyre descendent and not the son of Rheagar
Even ignoring all the textual clues that he is the son of Illyrio and his Blackfyre wife Serra, I feel there are major plotholes in Varys' actions if Aegon is truly a Targaryen.
For someone who wants to restore the Targs to power, Varys and Illyrio sure were seemingly careless with Dany and Viserys' lives. I feel like they only viewed those two a a means to add credibility to Aegon's claim. Someone who truly loved the Targs should not have sent Dany out into the Dothraki sea where she was at a high risk to die.
I am also starting to think that it was Varys who started the rumor that Rhaegar kidnapped and raped Lyanna. I know a lot of people think it was Littlefinger, but I'm not sure. If Varys truly served the realm he would have wanted Rhaegar in charge, but obviously this is not the case. I think Varys fed into the Mad King's paranoia and started Roberts Rebellion in order to set up the switcheroo for Aegon with (f)Aegon. He didn't expect Robert to triumph which is why he pleaded not to open the gates to Tywin, because he knew that would be the end of the war and his plan would be ruined. It ended up costing him 16 years before he could re-implement his plan
The textual evidence is just too much for me to ignore as well. And so are the Dunk and Egg tales. We already know that D&E play an important role in the main tale because that is where all our Bloodraven info comes from, so it makes sense to me that fleshing out the Blackfyre rebellion in those tales serves a purpose to the main story as well.
imma come clean
i still haven't read the Dunk&Egg talesgot too much other stuff on my backlog right now before i can get around to reading it
It takes 1 day to read all 3 of them
Midnight Tides is the 5th. I google so many names, races, etc. and end up ruining shyt for my self. Who's your favorite character so far? Put that in spoilers, doe![]()
Littlefinger ignored the jibe. He eyed Ned with a smile on his lips that bordered insolence "I have hoped to meet you for some years, Lord Stark. No doubt lady Catelyn has mentioned me to you. "she has" ned replied with a chill in his voice. the sly arrogance of the comment rankled him. "I understand you new my brother Brandon as well". Renly Baratheon laughed. Varys shuffled over to listen