As damning as all of these facts about Yvette Carnell’s actions are, her intentions were not clear to me until I found out that she is an admittedly proud board member of an anti immigrant organization that deceptively calls itself Progressives For Immigration Reform. In case you are someone who doesn’t understand that progressives generally don’t fight for immigration reform, let be break this down for you. PFIR was designated as a hate group by the ADL and the SPLC because it is funded by John Tanton, a white nationalist well known for creating right wing think tanks that are specifically designed to get minority voters to align with GOP supported anti immigration policy. Now I understood why everyone following Yvette Carnell and supporting her movement were so hateful to immigrants. That was by design. Thats the whole point. ADOS is an insidious right wing funded anti immigration hashtag movement cloaked in the righteous language of reparations.