A Quiet Place: Day One | Discussion Thread


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
Lupita saved the movie because her acting skills really drove the performance home. These movies are much more character/acting style than action. I get it the commercials really did have a lot of Aliens and explosions so feels like a bait and switch but they had to sell the movie. It lines up with the first two for sure. But this story fit into the mold of the franchise. I like how they tore through New York something crazy. The Stranger Things dude was OK but I didn't care for his character or like how it was written. I also agree with some of you about the Aliens Origins being missing. Overall I give it a B:

I was torn on her having Cancer because it's like you knew she was going to die before it was over. But that also made the story better because she had nothing to lose. The whole "Pizza" plot felt a little wacky because I don't care if you have cancer or not, those Aliens were way to dangerous to playing around like that, lol. But I get it was about her again having nothing to lose. I also didn't like her committing suicide at the end. The Stranger things dude wasn't written well. He just pops up out of the subway and gets to survive? And yes him saving the Cat and surviving was a little white saviorish too. They did Djimon character's dirty again, he barely had any part. It would have been a much better movie if they were constantly on the run. There were periods were the just held up hiding somewhere. Of course the Cat was going to survive, lol.

Anyways I agree with people they dropped the ball on the Aliens Origins. You called it "Day One", it would taken two seconds to show the Aliens riding the comets to Earth. I'm not saying you have to go to their planet but show them coming to Earth traveling the cosmos. I know the budget was small but it was a missed opportunity especially since this was a supposed prequel. Also they showed too much of the Aftermath instead of showing Aliens wreaking ish. They should have had a whole sequence of the Stranger Things dude in the Subway as the Aliens tore through the train cars. Then they should have showed the subway flooding and him swimming to safety. Little things like that would have made the movie better. But again it fit the franchise well.

Lastly the "Quiet Place" Aliens and situation is the worst Apocalypse to try to survive in. There are so many situations that you would make noise. What if someone snores or using the bathroom. There's just too many scenarios those things could kill you in.


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
Was underwhelmed during the first watch. Really appreciate it a lot more now that I saw it twice. I do think they should have marketed and even titled it differently. I dunno, I think these smaller more intimate human stories definitely have a place in the franchise but they need to be more cognizant about world building. Something titled Day One alludes to more lore about the creatures and world building about their impact across the globe, but this wasn’t that. Still a really good story though and very touching. 8/10

Marco Zen

Black Privilege
Sep 7, 2013
The Other A
Lupita saved the movie because her acting skills really drove the performance home. These movies are much more character/acting style than action. I get it the commercials really did have a lot of Aliens and explosions so feels like a bait and switch but they had to sell the movie. It lines up with the first two for sure. But this story fit into the mold of the franchise. I like how they tore through New York something crazy. The Stranger Things dude was OK but I didn't care for his character or like how it was written. I also agree with some of you about the Aliens Origins being missing. Overall I give it a B:

I was torn on her having Cancer because it's like you knew she was going to die before it was over. But that also made the story better because she had nothing to lose. The whole "Pizza" plot felt a little wacky because I don't care if you have cancer or not, those Aliens were way to dangerous to playing around like that, lol. But I get it was about her again having nothing to lose. I also didn't like her committing suicide at the end. The Stranger things dude wasn't written well. He just pops up out of the subway and gets to survive? And yes him saving the Cat and surviving was a little white saviorish too. They did Djimon character's dirty again, he barely had any part. It would have been a much better movie if they were constantly on the run. There were periods were the just held up hiding somewhere. Of course the Cat was going to survive, lol.

Anyways I agree with people they dropped the ball on the Aliens Origins. You called it "Day One", it would taken two seconds to show the Aliens riding the comets to Earth. I'm not saying you have to go to their planet but show them coming to Earth traveling the cosmos. I know the budget was small but it was a missed opportunity especially since this was a supposed prequel. Also they showed too much of the Aftermath instead of showing Aliens wreaking ish. They should have had a whole sequence of the Stranger Things dude in the Subway as the Aliens tore through the train cars. Then they should have showed the subway flooding and him swimming to safety. Little things like that would have made the movie better. But again it fit the franchise well.

Lastly the "Quiet Place" Aliens and situation is the worst Apocalypse to try to survive in. There are so many situations that you would make noise. What if someone snores or using the bathroom. There's just too many scenarios those things could kill you in.


Somebody in the executive meeting saw the final cut and was like "we can't promote this shyt. Yea it's a good and touching heartfelt story about accepting fate blah blah... but nobody's gonna wanna see that. They wanna see aliens tearing up shyt... Go back and add aliens tearing up shyt so we can put it in the trailer and trick mfs into buying tickets"

Lol I saw a poster in here referring to " too many comic book brains" idk what that means but a hit dog (me) will holler :pachaha:...a quiet place 3 wasn't supposed to be some character study masterpiece of brilliant cinema... it's a fukkin sci-fi horror. it's not that serious.

I give Lupita and the angle of her character with story HUGE credit. But it made the blind (quiet place) Aliens IRRELEVANT. Especially with the aliens having such small screen time and no origin details.

They made a point of focus on the aliens inability to fukk with deep water. They apparently drown and die quicklyin deep water.. Which means they breathe and need oxygen. So if they need oxygen, how were they flying across the void of an atmosphere on meteors crashing to earth? :dahell:Oh wait let me guess, we're supposed to just ignore that and focus on the heartfelt touching story of accepting fate :beli:

More proof the aliens were irrelevant in this.

Touching story tho

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky

Somebody in the executive meeting saw the final cut and was like "we can't promote this shyt. Yea it's a good and touching heartfelt story about accepting fate blah blah... but nobody's gonna wanna see that. They wanna see aliens tearing up shyt... Go back and add aliens tearing up shyt so we can put it in the trailer and trick mfs into buying tickets"

Lol I saw a poster in here referring to " too many comic book brains" idk what that means but a hit dog (me) will holler :pachaha:...a quiet place 3 wasn't supposed to be some character study masterpiece of brilliant cinema... it's a fukkin sci-fi horror. it's not that serious.

I give Lupita and the angle of her character with story HUGE credit. But it made the blind (quiet place) Aliens IRRELEVANT. Especially with the aliens having such small screen time and no origin details.

They made a point of focus on the aliens inability to fukk with deep water. They apparently drown and die quicklyin deep water.. Which means they breathe and need oxygen. So if they need oxygen, how were they flying across the void of an atmosphere on meteors crashing to earth? :dahell:Oh wait let me guess, we're supposed to just ignore that and focus on the heartfelt touching story of accepting fate :beli:

More proof the aliens were irrelevant in this.

Touching story tho

I agree the aliens are not really needed. It could have been about a war and another country invading. Or big riot when people are going mad because society is collapsing.

These movies aren't costing 200 million dollars to make tho. They are purposely making these flicks to limit CGI and other expensive elements so they can keep making profits off these personal storylines with tension and jump scares.

The day they push the budget super high will be when this shyt flops. In all honesty, this movie was pretty much what I expected it to be and the trailers imo did not try to fool people thinking it would be an invasion epic a la ID4 or War of the Worlds.

My bro went to see it and was mad they didn't show how the government reacted to the invasion and how the military responded. This movie gave no indication they would go that route. They also didn't give away Lupitas situation prior to the invasion in the trailers.

I do agree this movie left a lot to be desired but these stay quiet flicks, are cheap and profit machines. Reminds me of the Purge. The first one took place in a house even tho the movie was about all of America being crime free for a night. The sequels just expanded it to an entire city with the same formula.

Fool me again and that's on me.


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
This was good. You know you're engrossed in a film when ere'body in the THEATER is tryinta be as quiet as the actors.....like "shhhh! You're rustling the popcorn too loudly, they'll hear!" :pachaha:

Nikka I would've said fukk that cat in that warehouse, he was trippin. :camby:

+/- she had a white love interest or if its a black man he is the first nikka killed lol
:heh: at you being wrong on both counts.

They got Lupita looking sickly
Now we know why.

How many times are you going to make the same post?

This was clearly about the first day of the attack in Brooklyn. I didn’t think anything else and I really really don’t care about the origin of the aliens.

Exactly, dude sounding mad redundant for multiple pages. :russ:


Feb 3, 2016
Man soon as the random cac entered the movie, it went straight to shyt :hhh:


May 10, 2012
Saw this earlier today and enjoyed it :ehh:

Glad Lupita has another hit on her hands. Good movie for cat set and knowing how to swim.