A mixed woman(Black mom/White Dad) says she's tired of Black People not taking her serious when she try's to talk about being a Black woman in America

Concerned Citizen

Stevie Wonder 2099
May 27, 2012
Man... f*ck this mixed up bytch. She's been answering to a white man(Her daddy) her whole life so you know it's going to be a problem when a black man try's to tell her something.

This bytch has been enjoying that "Mixed Girl Previlage" her whole life.

She.... wait... hold up. I think I may have jumped the gun. Let's hear what this sister has to say. Her mom is Black so she can't be all that bad right? Everybody deseveres a chance to be heard!!!

I was about to write her off butt now feel like she as some interesting angles to offer. I really want to see where she cums from.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
We need a black state of the union presser and decide once and for all what’s black and what ain’t black
I don't think it's that complicated. If you have to tell people you have a black parent (Halsey,Rashida Jones, Blake griffin) you're going to not be perceived as black by the majority of people and it'll look weird if you're trying to speak on black issues. A big part of anti black racism is how it's on sight. Cacs and their variants immediately know what they think of a person that looks like Obama vs a person that looks like Logic or klay Thompson.

The woman in the OP knows that she gets treated differently. Whether people want to admit it or not, cacs ARE more relaxed around lighter black people. She gets that. Her anger seems to come from the fact that people throw the fact that her father is a white man at her to defuse whatever activism she's trying to put forth. They don't trust someone raised by a white patriarch to be critical of white people genuinely. There's a suspicion that "you're doing this because you have baggage with your father, not because of anything really to do with black people and a shared understanding of the struggle"

I can see both perspectives to a degree but I think it should be the default human position to challenge white supremacy and regardless of her motivations, if she wants to genuinely make a difference she's more black to me than a hodgetwin or Candace Owen, Thomas Sowell, or Larry elder style c00n.
May 22, 2012
We need a black state of the union presser and decide once and for all what’s black and what ain’t black
How does that benefit black people? Unless you’re talking about who gets reparations, which would still not be limited to what some people consider black, it’s really only gonna be used to determine who gets to be the biggest victims
Aug 16, 2017
I bet the majority of us think Obama is black, that's for sure
I mean, look at everyone trying to claim Gina Torres, who blatantly said she isn’t black, but because she looks black, and had a black husband, she’s black, but Obama isn’t.

The cherry picking of who’s black on the Coli is astronomical.


All Star
Apr 4, 2017
I'm technically bi racial/mixed my dna comes back with about 30-40% euro spainish blood.

I'm darker than prob 90% of the coli. You wouldn't know what I'm mixed with unless I told you. I'm dark skinned through and through. I pretty muched got all my mothers features.

All this non sense we debating online is due to skin color and if the person qualifies to be discriminated against by white people to be accepted into being able to claim Black.

Unless this mixed child is purposely hiding her blackness when it suits her and switch hitting than I can see the discussion.

Here is the hypocrisy, this is the coli favorite past time. They mad when brown skinned Dominicans who have about 15- 25% African blood don't claim Black but when a bi racial American child has split ancestry between black/white they can't claim black.

Everyone full of shyt.
It’s not about skin color. It’s about lineage. I’ve seen jet black Indians that are obviously not negro and Dna wise are caucasian. What does your hair look like? An African with black skin isn’t necessarily an afro asiaticc negro. Negroes, especially AA’s are the only ppl that welcome everyone with open arms, which isn’t bad, but then seem to hate their own. It’s such common sense, be with your own ppl, but our ppl don’t wanna hear that.

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
You want to keep the current racial classification system because "if Black people did it right it would put us at an advantage"... I don't really know what that means.

The current racial classification system was used to put us at a distinct disadvantage. How can something that is used to put us at a disadvantage put us at an advantage given that we control no levers of power?

Also, humans in antiquity noted the differences in ethnicity, not necessarily the modern conception of "race".
What I’m saying is, if black people actually started looking out for our own best interest as a group it would put us at an advantage over others.

Like Claude Anderson has said, racism is a team sport and black people don’t know how to play it.

The racial classification system in and of itself is not what’s holding us back. The racial system I’m referring to, btw, is the actual scientific one (negroid, caucazoid, mongoloid, etc.) because I assumed that’s what you’re talking about.

What’s holding us back is the fact that, collectively, we’re not as naturally cutthroat as other groups of people are (especially CACs).

Explain what you mean by ethnicity, in this context and what it would have meant at that time?

Overall though, what I’m saying is

There’s a difference between white people saying “hey you guys are black” and us agreeing because we actually know that we are, indeed, black.

As opposed to letting white people tell us that a biracial person is the same as us, and us accepting it because white people said so, even though it’s clearly bullshyt.


Mar 11, 2022

Cacs tell she not white, she cool wit that, We tell her she not black, its a issue.:stopitslime:
Sorry sweetheart you not a BW, she even admits Cacs grant her opportunities because she doesn't look black.:camby:
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