men do this all time.
They're just not as vocal about it, when they do it.
The way I see women run with this statement make seem as if all men are rolling in dimes and they never compromise on looks, for the sake of comparability.
I've dated a few women that weren't as on my level attraction wise, and I heard it from my peers and family.
My own mom trashed my ex gf for being too plain or homely looking, while constantly encouraging me to do better.
Heck I remember posting a pic of my ex & I on the main board before. Unanimously almost all the women on here trashed her(she wasn't black) while saying I could do better(DM's were exchanged

), while all dudes on here found her attractive. (

When i date I care more compatibility than I do looks. Obviously a woman should be a attractive but I'm not expecting a dime, maybe a 6 or 7.