A lot of women aren't attracted to their husbands

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
:dwillhuh: we said the same thing, how do you disagree?
I said I disagree with the status quo that women shouldn't prioritize attractiveness. Society shames women for having certain preferences such as height etc, but men just need to live with it. Both genders should prioritize attractiveness. At the same time though women need to deal with the fact that men have weight and age preferences as well :yeshrug:. I guarantee you that divorces would drop :francis:. Only downside is that a lot of incels and femcels finna start popping up; I don't see those two groups ever linking up :russ:,


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Like Ashley said, women are much more encouraged to overlook looks whereas men wouldn't dare compromise on the looks department because it's very important to them. The financial aspect, being somewhat of an upstanding guy and if he might be good with kids are much more emphasized than sexual compatibility and attractiveness.
:rudy: men do this all time.

They're just not as vocal about it, when they do it.

The way I see women run with this statement make seem as if all men are rolling in dimes and they never compromise on looks, for the sake of comparability.

I've dated a few women that weren't as on my level attraction wise, and I heard it from my peers and family.

My own mom trashed my ex gf for being too plain or homely looking, while constantly encouraging me to do better.

Heck I remember posting a pic of my ex & I on the main board before. Unanimously almost all the women on here trashed her(she wasn't black) while saying I could do better(DM's were exchanged :whistle: ), while all dudes on here found her attractive. ( :heh: ).

When i date I care more compatibility than I do looks. Obviously a woman should be a attractive but I'm not expecting a dime, maybe a 6 or 7.


Jun 13, 2019
This is a good point.

But it works this way more so for men than women.

Women have less testosterone and thus a lower sex drive which means more self-control.

When women cheat it's often because of attraction and emotions that come from that attraction.
In my opinion, it goes back to the options, lack of discipline, not being fulfilled, or opportunity presenting itself.

I remember when I was working on my master's degree a few years before I met my wife, I met this other young lady.

I ended up having to do a group project with her and realized she was very much married (I didn't initially pay attention to her wedding ring).

We exchanged numbers to work on our project, but I noticed over time the tone of our conversations moved more towards personal stuff and less about the school project we were working on.

She called me over one day and we were doing work and that later led to drinking and playing games and I ended up smashing. Her husband had a job that kept him gone a lot for work. I smashed her off and on for the better part of about a year or two until I graduated from that master's program.

I remember her opening up and being very candid with me one day about her husband working to much and her wishing he was home more. In my mind, I took it as I was just filling the void for him not being there.

I kinda peeped game later and realized she had been measuring me up for weeks and when she finally felt comfortable enough with me she stepped over the line and evaluated her "option" because "she wasn't getting what she needed at home" which was time and attention. I enjoyed smashing her as scumbag as that might sound, but for her if was more about me giving her time, attention, and conversation. I was providing that for her and her husband was not, because he was working all the time. He made good money too which he would send back to her, but his job would keep him away for weeks at a time.

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
I hear women say this all the time but I don't know if true attraction can be negotiated like that. Women know within minutes if they're sexually aroused by you and she has a different type of sex with men she feels that way towards. This type of situation usually turns into "I love him but I'm not in love with him."
Sounds like a best friend or a roommate type situation :mjgrin:

yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
the majority of women aren't in the military.

maybe it attracts a certain kind. especially if she getting trains run on her... cheating is one thing...
Nah, the military is actually the perfect situation to test a marriage. The military is one of the rare cases where one spouse can disappear for a year on deployment. People reveal their nature in such an environment :yeshrug:. I seen all kinds of people join the military: hillbillies, intellectuals. The military nowadays mostly attracts people trying to pay for college or healthcare NOT necessary people with a certain character. I've seen all kinds of characters while I was in:mjlol:.


Dec 2, 2015

I think there is some truth to your point, but if it isn't about not being attracted to her husband, then she for damn sure don't respect him!

Same can be said about men not being attracted to their wives, but at the end of the day, people cheat for a myriad of reasons.

You never know what goes on in someone's household. The woman who got ran thru on the ship probably had a husband running up in some woman at home.

There is an inherent risk people take when they marry military people, athletes and professionals who travel for work a lot. Gotta take shyt into great consideration when you get with certain people.
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All Star
Jul 31, 2015
I hear women say this all the time but I don't know if true attraction can be negotiated like that. Women know within minutes if they're sexually aroused by you and she has a different type of sex with men she feels that way towards. This type of situation usually turns into "I love him but I'm not in love with him."

It's less of a negotiation than it just naturally happening. If you have to convince yourself hard that even though the attraction could be higher he's otherwise a good guy then yes, at some point she'll probably seek out someone else (if her character is set up that way). But a natural progression from being kind of unsure to actually being in love is not that unusual in my opinion.

I get what you're saying but all those qualities go out the window if someone more attractive than her husband enters the picture. "my husband is such a nice guy, but this other guy is ______________".

That's definitely a possibility if she doesn't value what she already has or deep down thinks she settled.

:rudy: men do this all time.

They're just not as vocal about it, when they do it.

The way I see women run with this statement make seem as if all men are rolling in dimes and they never compromise on looks, for the sake of comparability.

I've dated a few women that weren't as on my level attraction wise, and I heard it from my peers and family.

My own mom trashed my ex gf for being too plain or homely looking, while constantly encouraging me to do better.

Heck I remember posting a pic of my ex & I on the main board before. Unanimously almost all the women on here trashed her(she wasn't black) while saying I could do better(DM's were exchanged :whistle: ), while all dudes on here found her attractive. ( :heh: ).

When i date I care more compatibility than I do looks. Obviously a woman should be a attractive but I'm not expecting a dime, maybe a 6 or 7.

Who's a dime and who's not is subjective though and I feel like sexual attraction is much easier to invoke in men than the other way around. Men "settle" to due to societal pressures as well but I feel like they're a bit easier to satisfy with someone who isn't top of the line if there are slim pickings no?

Men and women rate beauty/attractiveness completely differently. I'm always shocked lol.
I think women tend to be much more critical, whereas I'd ask a guy what kind of women he's into and I'd be :ohhh::huhldup: at his choices because I don't see what he sees for some reason.

Thurgood Thurston III

#LLNB #LLLB #E4R | woooK nypdK
Nov 20, 2017
The kirk to the fields
In my opinion, it goes back to the options, lack of discipline, not being fulfilled, or opportunity presenting itself.

I remember when I was working on my master's degree a few years before I met my wife, I met this other young lady.

I ended up having to do a group project with her and realized she was very much married (I didn't initially pay attention to her wedding ring).

We exchanged numbers to work on our project, but I noticed over time the tone of our conversations moved more towards personal stuff and less about the school project we were working on.

She called me over one day and we were doing work and that later led to drinking and playing games and I ended up smashing. Her husband had a job that kept him gone a lot for work. I smashed her off and on for the better part of about a year or two until I graduated from that master's program.

I remember her opening up and being very candid with me one day about her husband working to much and her wishing he was home more. In my mind, I took it as I was just filling the void for him not being there.

I kinda peeped game later and realized she had been measuring me up for weeks and when she finally felt comfortable enough with me she stepped over the line and evaluated her "option" because "she wasn't getting what she needed at home" which was time and attention. I enjoyed smashing her as scumbag as that might sound, but for her if was more about me giving her time, attention, and conversation. I was providing that for her and her husband was not, because he was working all the time. He made good money too which he would send back to her, but his job would keep him away for weeks at a time.

Right but look at this way

She didn't throw the p*ssy to just anybody. She chose you over the many guys who were also likely shooting their shot.

That shows that attraction is a very significant component. Women rarely cheat with a man who is unattractive or less attractive than their partner (unless there's fame and money involved)

So you're right about the opportunity and lack of discipline. But women won't just cheat with some fat ugly guy just because there's an opportunity to do so.

They have more control in this situation than you think.


Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012
basically the OP has an obsession with ..




Coli Bot

Jul 15, 2012
Dont ever take it personally. If she ain't attracted to you who cares. Not like its your fault what you look like.

Just live your best life and fukk people who you have attraction to and enjoy the moment for what it is. Once she's not in your precense anymore she is for the streets. If you have that mentality you can never get hurt its just :manny: