A King and an Empire: The Official GOAT franchise Boss Angeles Lakers 2018-19 season


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Meanwhile, the West is wiiiide open outside of Goldenstate :sas2:

We have a cushy portion of the schedule after whethering one of the toughest opening schedules in the league. Definitely need to take care of business against the Hawks tonight.

Don’t be surprised if we in the top 3-4 by the end of the month though. :sas2:

Yup I’m excited we might see more positive signs from this team. They gotta step up and win though, things can change for the better real quick but the defense needs to continue to improve.


peace and positivity
May 1, 2012
Based World
Zo sitting out another 4th quarter is concerning for his development. If u want rondo to close out the game atleast bring Lonzo at the top of the 4th. Rondo shouldnt be playing 15 minutes straight in the 2nd half.
Yall have to realize that Luke is not going to risk losing games and potentially his job to try to develop that bum ass nikka. The Kings would've been energized and went on a run as soon as Lonzo trotted his wack ass on the court and air balled another layup. I mean, how many nikkas that can't even hit layups consistently in year 2 develop into starting caliber players in the NBA? At some point, nikkas just going to have to accept that Lonzo a bust.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Man, I wanted Tyson Chandler this whole time, and I feel vindicated so far. This guy has been a major difference maker for our defense. He knows where to be, he communicates extremely well, is a brick wall one on one defender, boxes out and works hard on the glass, and you know he will play hard for Lebron. Honestly, as well as Javale has played for us, Tyson has been even better at all of the little things and that’s why he will probably always close games for us from here on out. He can be trusted. Hopefully he can stay healthy because we need him.
I thought he was just an acquisition of necessity, been blown away by how much he's helped the team. Another huge win for LeGM, likely one that no one could have pulled off....and also a WAY better candidate for tampering charges than anything he's done before. Knuckleheads who didn't understand what tampering meant and get complaining about The Decision should actually be complaining now.

Can't imagine that McGee/Chandler is the 5 of the future for the Lakers though...what do they do going forward? Do they try to make at least one year's championship run next year with McGee/Chandler? Unless AD is the big offseason acquisition, I don't see how they add a max free agent AND get a big man.

Shout out to BI for shutting down Buddy Hield and low key giving great defensive effort out there most of the season. I just wish he can hustle on the boards and loose balls a little more.
Hasn't been low-key at all, he's really been trying on that end. With his physical attributes you would think that the effect should turn him into a problem on that end soon enough.

Not going to pound the Lonzo drum too hard this time because those air balls were giving me flashbacks of last year. At least all of the other kids besides Hart struggled last night too. :manny: maybe it was the smoke in the arena.

I will say though, that him and his team waiting until mid July for knee surgery was very unfortunate. He needed last summer to work on his game very badly. His in-between shots are just a prayer at this point. He’s got no touch. I think he should just not shoot them right now. Just three pointers and layups (all the way to the basket, no floaters). Simplify his shot selection like Rubio and Rondo until he’s got more in his bag.
His shyt ain't good at the basket either, and after a reasonable start his three has fallen way the hell off too. His skill set doesn't fit in particularly well with everyone else. He's the biggest 2019-20 salary the Lakers have to get rid of if they want to make a trade. And you know that Lavar won't stay distracted by LaMelo's struggles forever and is gonna start interfering again. I don't see how you ain't shopping his ass all over the league.

Of course Laker fans will scream and cry, but a crazy option that could improve their championship chances? Ball for Beverly and a 1st-round pick.

Beverly is still coming off injury, but he's young enough that he should get his game back, and when he does he's one of the best three-and-D point guards in the league. He is experienced in the playoffs and showed he can thrive in that atmosphere, while you expect that Ball has a steep learning curve there when he still looks shook in regular season games. And he's the kind of guy you love to have to aggravate the other team and throw them off their game. I fully believe he could be a 30+ minute-a-game starter for a championship team so long as he's only the 4th or 5th scoring option.

And on top of all that is the salary issue. Beverly makes a couple million less than Lonzo, which means that his cap hold is less for next year. That gives you move flexibility to take some salary back if you're making a trade (and you'll have more assets to do that with if you can get a pick off the Clippers too), or more room to sign guys in next year's offseason. And on top of that Beverly's contract is expiring, so if he doesn't work out this year, you can just drop him at the end of the year and have that much more cap space to sign someone that WILL contribute to a champion. You don't have that option with Lonzo.

Better three, better defense, better experience, fits in better with this particular team, for less money, could get you a pick too, and the flexibility not to resign if you want even more cap space.



I don't see how that's not a contender. If you can't get Kawhi or AD (and assuming KD/Klay aren't real options), then you overpay Khris Middleton, or go with Eric Bledsoe or Tyreke Evans or Kemba AND a big as your backup option.

Now all they need is a 3 point shooter to plug into the rotation.
What would be much better was if they actual guys out there could just hit their shots.

If I were LeBron, I'm scanning the entire nation for the best shooting coach in the business, then paying him whatever he wants to join the Lakers coaching staff and giving him half of every practice.

There's no good reason that Ingram and Kuzma shouldn't be able to hit threes at a 38-40% clip. LeBron is rounding back into form, if you could just get Kuz/Ingram/Hart/Lance to hit close to a 40% clip, you don't need no three-point specialist. Especially if the one more star you pick up has a three as part of his arsenal.

All this assumes, of course, that Magic gets his act together and hires Messina to coach this team.

He's been incredibly successful as a head coach AND as an NBA assistant coach
He's been disciplining under Pop, the GOAT of them all
He's had years to learn how to coach NBA stars and has practice head-coaching several Spurs games the last couple years
He has a pre-existing relationship with the Lakers
The Raptors nearly gave him their head coaching job this year
No one believes he would ever be as stupid about rosters as Luke has been

Get that man Magic. :salute:


May 2, 2012
@Rhakim trading Lonzo for Beverly would be extremely short sighted. Besides, would the Clippers even do that? They already have Gil-Alexander. If we do trade him, realistically, I’m hoping that Charlotte smartens up and puts Kemba back on the market. I can see Zo, filler (KCP), and picks for Kemba. He would slot in perfectly with this lineup.

Now all they need is a 3 point shooter to plug into the rotation.
Well, we have Josh Hart shooting 45% from three on 5 attempts yet he’s not getting 30+ minutes per game. In fact, it seems like his minutes have been down in the last week or so. He needs to have more plays called for him.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
@Rhakim trading Lonzo for Beverly would be extremely short sighted. Besides, would the Clippers even do that? They already have Gil-Alexander. If we do trade him, realistically, I’m hoping that Charlotte smartens up and puts Kemba back on the market. I can see Zo, filler (KCP), and picks for Kemba. He would slot in perfectly with this lineup.

The only reason the Clippers would do it is if they realize they're not going anywhere in the short term and thus Beverley doesn't do anything for them, so Beverley is just someone they're going to let go at the end of the year and they're getting a #2 pick for maybe a #15 pick.

Unless you think that Ball isn't even worth a #15 pick on the open market. Well then. :beli:

My main issue with Kemba is that he's not a very good two-way player, and I vastly prefer guys who make a difference on defense. Also, how much you paying him next year? Are you giving up all that cap space? For Kemba Walker? What championship lineup does that give you next year?

Pick up Kemba, and you no longer have a max slot for the offseason.

Now, if they manage to squeeze out enough space to trade for Kemba AND pick up a below-max player as good as Khris Middleton, then I think we might be talking. But that rides on Charlotte putting Kemba back on the market AND Charlotte being willing to take nothing more than Ball and some bad picks AND getting a good below-max value like Middleton. Can ya'all really bet on that happening?

Patrick Beverley:mjlol:

Name one championship contender that would take Lonzo Ball over Patrick Beverley right now. :sas1::sas2:

And not only are you getting an immediate upgrade, but you're getting Beverley + more cap space/flexibility + a pick.
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
As I predicted:
Of course Laker fans will scream and cry


:scust: at the idea of trading Lonzo for Patrick Beverley. Goddamn some of you have horrible trade ideas.

Lakers' fans view of Ball's value >>>>> Lakers' organization's view of Ball's value >>>>> rest of the NBA's view of Ball's value >>>>> Ball's actual value the next three years

Ya'all ain't answering the question:

You have a point guard who can't shoot, and can't score at the rim either. He still looks tentative and spooked in key moments in meaningless regular season games. And he has neither the form nor the athleticism to guarantee you that any of that is changing.

Question #1: What is the FIRST year you'd bet on Lonzo looking like a championship team starter-caliber point guard?

Question #2: Who is the BEST point guard in the NBA who is available right now as cheap as Beverley?

Question #3: How are you addressing your issues at the 1, 2, and 5 when you only have enough cap space for one more max player?

Love to see anyone answer those three questions with a player that fills a gap AND opens up cap space as well as Beverley AND is available.


May 1, 2012
As I predicted:


Lakers' fans view of Ball's value >>>>> Lakers' organization's view of Ball's value >>>>> rest of the NBA's view of Ball's value >>>>> Ball's actual value the next three years

I'm pretty sure the Clippers would take that deal. Beverly is who he is. Lonzo can still improve as a scorer just due to the fact he's only 21. We've seen Lonzo be a good scorer on this team just this fukking season. I don't know why you wanna give up on him so easily just because he has hit a bad stretch. You Lebron stans have to realize that we're not gonna mortgage the future for one or two years of what's left of Lebron's current production. fukk that.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm pretty sure the Clippers would take that deal. Beverly is who he is. Lonzo can still improve as a scorer just due to the fact he's only 21. We've seen Lonzo be a good scorer on this team just this fukking season. I don't know why you wanna give up on him so easily just because he has hit a bad stretch. You Lebron stans have to realize that we're not gonna mortgage the future for one or two years of what's left of Lebron's current production. fukk that.

What was the bad stretch he hit? His entire NBA career has been a bad stretch. :skip:

I'm not "giving up on him". That would require me to have thought something of him in the first place. There are receipts on here of me saying the moment I saw his shooting form that he would NOT excel at the NBA level. He was a horrific pick at the #2 slot. The fact that he can't finish at all doubles down on that. How da hell you gonna give away potential title seasons betting on a mediocre athlete of a point guard who can neither shoot nor finish? His passing isn't even GOAT-level, it's maybe slightly above average at best.

The idea that trading Lonzo (and getting a draft pick in the process) would be mortgaging the future. Ya'all realize that you just dropped Randle for nothing, right? That's what happens when you start to play games with the salary cap that you don't have space to play. :beli:


May 2, 2012
@Rhakim Kemba is underpaid right now and only has an $18M 2019 cap hold (without assuming any trade kickers or something like that). That’s actually pretty low for a player of his caliber. Depending on who else is included in that trade that could cut roughly $10M in to next summer’s salary cap space (down to about $28M in expirings) which would eliminate KD but every other free agent should still be in play pending minor moves. Kemba would be able to be resigned after that because of bird rights and then we would be over the cap. And if KD decides to come they can renounce Kemba and figure out what to do next. This is all hypotheticals with rough math but the point is that Kemba’s low salary and cap hold keep possibilities open.
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All Star
Oct 9, 2014
If Kemba isn’t super negative on defense. I’d trade lonzo for him, but I wanna give lonzo till all star break, I just hate his lack of offense game. He can shoot a three here and there, but no layup package or mid range game. His floor to me is a tall current rondo and his ceiling is tall current CP3.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
But are the Hornets taking Zo? :jbhmm:

Hypothetically speaking of course, I still don’t want to talk about trading players this early in the season. :whoa: