It was one of the worst gaming consoles of all time only saved by a strong online interface and community, lets look back
-Were there really any good exclusive (key word exclusive) games other than the usual Gears of War and overrated Halo franchises?
-Call of Duty and the simplistic online interface and the fact that it was a cheaper priced system is the only reason most people would prefer the 360, lets be honest
-While developers were producing another rehashed gunner game, the PS3 developers were crafting state of the art gameplay that was overlooked by games like Call of Duty.
To this day there has not been an action game on the level of Uncharted 2, which I considered the gold standard of action games, throw in some Metal Gear 4, God of War 3, kill zone, ratchet and clank, little big planet, heavy rain,
Which brings me to this question?
Why do 360 owners pretend like all the multiplatform games were only made for 360
How many times have you heard "ps3 got no games bruh"
Out of the mouths of dudes who only play Call of Duty
Truly a horrible uninspired system compared to many others