A Controversial Discussion on Black History Month

Jun 24, 2012
When I went to Farrakhan and the NOI million man march few years back, I recall him saying the library of congress had records as early the beginnings 1500s, for Africans being brought over. That's as much as Ill give you OP. All your other photos a bit suspect, Ill add. :patrice:

Are they suspect because they black indians or you think they are Photoshop...cause they arent.
Jun 24, 2012

Your YouTube sources are dead ass wrong.

Youre determined to believe in an idea that makes you feel better somehow. I don't know why niqqas like this idea so much, but its just something that soothes some kind of insecurity you have picked up.

More or less, mainstream science has this subject covered.

You'll reject what I wrote since it doesn't feed your preconceived notion.

Youtube sources or National Archives in DC....what do you have that debunks this claim...a book about being from africa cause the story was created by white men.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
I hear you talking but provide nothing but condescending tones.

How do you supply enough food and water to hundreds of africans on your boat including for your small crew for 3 months or more? Where was this supply stored?

What were the names of each ship, why havent we seen any records of these ships in archives?

You can literally go to the African American history museum in DC and see records and parts of ships man. This is not some hidden knowledge.

There are still newspaper records relating to ships, cargo, and slaveowner names.
African American Slave Trade: Ships & Records for Genealogy

New Orleans ship records
Slave Ship Manifests filed at New Orleans, 1807-1860

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database has information on almost 36,000 slaving voyages

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Jun 24, 2012
Columbia University
The Written Record of the Voyage of 1524 of Giovanni da Verrazano as recorded in a letter to Francis I, King of France, July 8th, 1524
(The Black Carolina Indians)

[Adapted from a translation by Susan Tarrow of the Cellere Codex, in Lawrence C. Wroth, ed., The Voyages of Giovanni da Verrazzano, 1524-1528 (Yale, 1970), pp. 133-143]

... Since the storm that we encountered in the northern regions, Most Serene King, I have not written to tell Your Majesty of what happened to the four ships which you sent over the Ocean to explore new lands, as I thought that you had already been informed of everything--how we were forced by the fury of the winds to return in distress to Brittany with only the Normandy and the Dauphine, and that after undergoing repairs there, began our voyage with these two ships, equipped for war, following the coasts of Spain, Your Most Serene Majesty will have heard; and then according to our new plan, we continued the original voyage with only the Dauphine; now on our return from this voyage I will tell Your Majesty of what we found.

We set sail with the Dauphine from the deserted rock near the Island of Madeira, which belongs to the Most Serene King of Portugal on the 17th day of January last; we had fifty men, and were provided with food for eight months, with arms and other articles of war, and naval munitions; we sailed westward on the gentle breath of a light easterly wind. In 25 days we covered eight hundred leagues. On the 24th day of February we went through a storm as violent as ever sailing man encountered. We were delivered from it with the divine help and goodness of the ship, whose glorious name and happy destiny enabled her to endure the violent waves of the sea. We continued on our westerly course keeping rather to the north. In another 25 days we sailed more than four hundred leagues where there appeared a new land which had never been seen before by any man, either Ancient or modern.

At first it appeared to be rather low-lying; having approached within a quarter of a league, we realized that it was inhabited, for huge fires had been built on the seashore. We saw that the land stretched southward, and coasted along it in search of some port where we might anchor the ship and investigate the nature of the land, but in fifty leagues we found no harbor or place where we could stop with the ship.

Seeing that the land continued to the south we decided to turn and skirt it toward the north, where we found the land we had sighted earlier. So we anchored off the coast and sent the small boat in to land. We had seen many people coming to the seashore, but they fled when they saw us approaching; several times they stopped and turned around to look at us in great wonderment. We reassured them with various signs, and some of them came up, showing great delight at seeing us and marveling at our clothes, appearance, and our whiteness; they showed us by various signs where we could most easily secure the boat, and offered us some of their food. We were on land, and I shall now tell Your Majesty briefly what we were able to learn of their life and customs.

They go completely naked except that around their loins they wear skins of small animals like martens, with a narrow belt of grass around the body, to which they tie various tails of other animals which hang down to the knees; the rest of the body is bare, and so is the head. Some of them wear garlands of birds’ feathers. They are dark in color (comment: some use the word Black, it's up to the translator, who is often-times a racist Albino. [End comment]), not unlike the Ethiopians, with thick black hair, not very long, tied back behind the head like a small tail. As for the physique of these men, they are well proportioned, of medium height, a little taller than we are. They have broad chests, strong arms, and the legs and other parts of the body are well composed. There is nothing else, except that they tend to be rather broad in the face: but not all, for we saw many with angular faces. They have big black eyes, and an attentive and open look. They are not very strong, but they have a sharp cunning, and are agile and swift runners. From what we could tell from observation, in the last two respects they resemble the Orientals, particularly those from the farthest Sinarian regions.

We could not learn the details of the life and customs of these people because of the short time we spent on land, due to the fact that there were few men, and the ship was anchored on the high seas. Not far from these people, we found others on the shore whose way of life we think is similar. [End excerpt] Click here for the full record>>

Jun 24, 2012
You can literally go to the African American history museum in DC and see records and parts of ships man. This is not some hidden knowledge.

There are still newspaper records relating to ships, cargo, and slaveowner names.
African American Slave Trade: Ships & Records for Genealogy

New Orleans ship records
Slave Ship Manifests filed at New Orleans, 1807-1860

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database has information on almost 36,000 slaving voyages

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

1. The archives show slave trade in the US of people of color/black throughout the south... Again no one denying that...I am asking for slave trade information/documents\manifest from Africa to the States. Big difference

2. 1790 was the first year of the US Census and the first year they recorded how many slaves were in the Americas according to your sources...so how did they come up with 12 million africans in total in the trade if they didnt count any before 1790?

3. Where are the records of the ships before the 1800's? We are missing over 100 plus years of ships.

Pit Bull

Oct 27, 2016
Crenshaw Mafia
I don't doubt that some form of black people or "pseudo" black people for the Euro and afrocentric nikkas that get pissed at this subject were indigenous to the Americas and could have possibly been enslaved and mixed with us but we are overwhelmingly African. The cultural ties are too strong to deny that.
Jun 24, 2012
I don't doubt that some form of black people or "pseudo" black people for the Euro and afrocentric nikkas that get pissed at this subject were indigenous to the Americas and could have possibly been enslaved and mixed with us but we are overwhelmingly African. The cultural ties are too strong to deny that.

I respect your viewpoint.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
1. The archives show slave trade in the US of people of color/black throughout the south... Again no one denying that...I am asking for slave trade information/documents\manifest from Africa to the States. Big difference

2. 1790 was the first year of the US Census and the first year they recorded how many slaves were in the Americas according to your sources...so how did they come up with 12 million africans in total in the trade if they didnt count any before 1790?

3. Where are the records of the ships before the 1800's? We are missing over 100 plus years of ships.

African slaves were brought to North America in the 1500s breh. There were African slaves brought to Jamestown in 1619; in fact, the 400 year anniversary is this year lol.

Nearly all the ships listed in my first link came in the middle passage, during the 1800s. For records of earlier ships...it's not hard to find breh. Remember, the majority of African slaves were brought to South America first.
History of Slavery
Slavery Timeline 1501-1600 - a Chronology of Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation

Given the fact that African slaves were here all the way back to the 1600s, it's not surprising that some escaped or re-located with Native Americans, had children, etc. But how does that change the fact that the vast majority of Africans in North America came from Africa via the slave trade?


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
Basically there were Natives who were very melanated - who had children with Africans (our ancestors) brought over to be enslaved.

My 2rd Great Aunt claimed she/we were Iroquois but we have pictures of my 2nd Great Grandparents -- and they and their parents were enslaved by Native Americans in Alabama.

Alot of these "indian/Native American" traits are not that -- they are white rapist DNA traits.

Being enslaved by Natives tribes don't make you Native American.

Funny that Native American slave owners don't get much attention.

Are we saying Native Americans never raped???

Hell there were black slave owners too.

It was just a hellish time in a lot of ways.
  • Dap
Reactions: Meh
Jun 24, 2012
African slaves were brought to North America in the 1500s breh. There were African slaves brought to Jamestown in 1619; in fact, the 400 year anniversary is this year lol.

Nearly all the ships listed in my first link came in the middle passage, during the 1800s. For records of earlier ships...it's not hard to find breh. Remember, the majority of African slaves were brought to South America first.
History of Slavery
Slavery Timeline 1501-1600 - a Chronology of Slavery, Abolition, and Emancipation

Given the fact that African slaves were here all the way back to the 1600s, it's not surprising that some escaped or re-located with Native Americans, had children, etc. But how does that change the fact that the vast majority of Africans in North America came from Africa via the slave trade?

Again documents/manifest must be presented as facts not just timelines and stories. Look at your link to question somethings....

1. 1502 only one slave came over here? Where from?
2. 1504- Probably Slaves......Probably? You can't make statements like this and claim them as facts...
3. 1509- Columbus Son complains about Native American Slaves in the Carribean not working.... I thought you were showing me Africans.
4. 1516 doesn't address what kind of slave group rebels on the ship in Spain.
5. If Thousands are sent each year, there should be documents of who, what when where and why in journals. It's like the crew doesn't have an inventory list of what is on the ship before sailing. How many crew members does it take to maintain sailing, food supply/cargo and keeping slaves from revolting or dying? We need documentation on that.

6. Again Slave Trade happened but to what extent it's exaggerated or altered from Africa to the Americans.
7. 1617 Records show slaves in Bermuda but no record of where they came from...

8. So the story is these white people went into Africa and picked up all these Africans without a fight and shipped them overseas?

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Again documents/manifest must be presented as facts not just timelines and stories. Look at your link to question somethings....

1. 1502 only one slave came over here? Where from?
2. 1504- Probably Slaves......Probably? You can't make statements like this and claim them as facts...
3. 1509- Columbus Son complains about Native American Slaves in the Carribean not working.... I thought you were showing me Africans.
4. 1516 doesn't address what kind of slave group rebels on the ship in Spain.
5. If Thousands are sent each year, there should be documents of who, what when where and why in journals. It's like the crew doesn't have an inventory list of what is on the ship before sailing. How many crew members does it take to maintain sailing, food supply/cargo and keeping slaves from revolting or dying? We need documentation on that.

6. Again Slave Trade happened but to what extent it's exaggerated or altered from Africa to the Americans.
7. 1617 Records show slaves in Bermuda but no record of where they came from...

8. So the story is these white people went into Africa and picked up all these Africans without a fight and shipped them overseas?
Gave you the benefit of the doubt, now I'm asking you to stop.

Before the goal posts move again, check the spoiler

Jun 24, 2012
Gave you the benefit of the doubt, now I'm asking you to stop.

Before the goal posts move again, check the spoiler

Why should I stop? Are you afraid of something? Afraid of addressing millions of blacks were already here in the Americas for thousands of years and the colonialists wanted more millions of blacks to come over and do work....does that make sense to you?