Nigerian Michael put in all that work, and made himself look ridiculous on national tv, just to get denied the visa.
Angela going peak white with her “tax dollars” as her specific needs will always be fulfilled.
Connecticut Michael falling for the “Me just a poor innocent girl and I no understand pre nup” act.
TLC paid for the happy birthday royalties, for the cheapest couple. Anny wants to go to the streeep cluh, and dresses the way she does. He should have known what he was getting. This is what he deserves for proposing after being with a woman for one night.
Tania learning herbal remedies, and basically bullshytting in Costa Rica while her man is in her mother’s shed, pouring Jack Daniels in his coffee, and being a groundskeeper. Then her mother has the nerve to get mad that he drank it, as if he can get a job and pay for it, and as if he isn’t doing their yard work. They are terrible hosts!