Ahhh Landover mall lol...I went there when I first moved to DC in 1998. I think it was on not even it's last leg then...it was on its last toenail. I had NEVER seen a mall so dead, my dad was like "this is a sign of the people in DC and Maryland son." I didn't get it then cuz I was only 13-14. I mentioned it to my pops not long ago, he was telling me he meant the "Murder Capital" or whatnot. It was still pretty ugly when I first got here.
I think that mall is officially done now, Sears gonna be closing up in March or something. Watch them turn that lot into a parking lot for the Deadskins.
Landmark mall we went to in 98 as well... Another decaying mall. Only ones thats really still standing from them times is Pentagon City, Greenbelt (barely), and PG Plaza...I live by Iverson, and it is terrible...Hell, Eastover may be a better substitution (
