gotta love America
Oooookay then.
Finally, there's butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) - found in Post, Kelloggs and Quaker brand cereals - which is made from petroleum and is a known cancer-causing agent. It's been banned in England and Japan, but those of us in the U.S. can keep right on serving up to our children for breakfast, because AMMURICA. And FREEDOMZ.
Anyone else find all of this, ohhhh I don't know, more than a tad bit disturbing? I'm not ashamed to say I have love for the blue box Mac & Cheese, and to think that chemicals known and recognized world-wide as completely toxic are included in that - a product openly marketed as being a meal FOR KIDS - makes me more than a little ragey. I mean, those chemicals can't be what makes it taste so good, right? So can't we, umm, just use something else instead? (PLEEEASE DON'T MAKE ME GIVE UP THE MAC & CHEESE, PLEEEASE.) Sigh.
-By Tracey Gaughran-Perez
This my thing about post like this. WTF should we eat then. You said pre packaged meals are bad FINE. then yall turn right around and talk about the poisons they spread over the fruits and vegetables we eat. THEN you continue on and talk about how the fish full of mercury, the chicken full of steroids, the beef full of fat, and we shouldn't eat pork. SO WHAT THE fukk ARE YOU SUPPOSE TO EAT????