Axum Ezana
Driving in the fast lane
A large shift from romance to just using one another in relationships in the blk community. Art imitates life. (Although take that with a grain of salt because art is being used to manipulate and shape life as well.)
A lot of ignant blk men and blk women are bitter and butt hurt towards one another and out to romantically commit psychological warfare on some fukkboi #HOH bullshyt or some #UseHim nonsense. Music production reflects the desires of the pseudo audience. Pseudo because we're being led to desire dumb shyt just as much as music is attributed to the desires of the masses.
Sweetness and love has become synonymous with "simping" (one of the worse cop outs in the world btw) and given a negative connotation.
simpin, pawg and c00nin are the most overused words that used wrong on this site or in the young community.