Easter has some skills. He is a good fighter and showed some good things last night, but he doesnt have any wrinkles in his game. This is why I think its only so far a guy's father can take him. He needs to work with other trainers.
He didnt have enough head movement. No feigns. Most of all he didnt move his hands enough in spots. He is either defense or offense. Mikey won because he would tee off on Easter and Easter wouldnt fire back. This led to Mikey stealing a lot of the rounds that Easter had in the bag. When you fight Mikey, you have to come right back with your own shots to keep the output equal and dont let him steal rounds. Also, Mikey got Easter on the ropes but Easter didnt put him on the ropes.
At 27, I can see Easter getting a little better if he learns some things from a great trainer or two.
Mikey a true champ for calling out Spence.

thats the absolute worst WW he could choose. Spence will stop Mikey. Quote me on that.