[7/19] WWE Draft on Live Smackdown Thread - It's Time To Shake Things Up Again! (Live Updates in OP)


Jan 8, 2014
Dallas, TX
Plus we're getting new sets for each show:mjcry:, SD actually got better after the supplemental draft. They're clearly going back to the 03 SD format, where they will put more emphasis on matches instead of storylines. I really wanted Sasha to go to SD though, because she's going to be misused again on RAW.
May 1, 2012

New announce teams for WWE’s New Era

I'm guessing they wanted to replace JBL on Raw with a new color
Damn Corey Graves first night as a commentator on the main show will be in our hometown of Pittsburgh, Monday night

:wow: :salute: to the homie, SJK

The Smackdown roster seems way too top heavy. You got Cena, Wyatt, AJ, Dean,Orton, American Alpha and the IC title, but after that, it just falls off a fukking cliff.

At least two of Finn, Sami, Owens, and Cesaro should have been on Smackdown. There is no reason all four of them should be on Raw.
3 hour show, breh

Brock, Mark Henry, and Big Show aint doing any of these RAWs :heh:

plus, Football season returns in September


Oct 26, 2013
The Smackdown roster seems way too top heavy. You got Cena, Wyatt, AJ, Dean,Orton, American Alpha and the IC title, but after that, it just falls off a fukking cliff.

At least two of Finn, Sami, Owens, and Cesaro should have been on Smackdown. There is no reason all four of them should be on Raw.

the blatant disrespect :scust:

SmackDown arguably has the best roster right now.
you saying the roster is "top heavy", yet you named 8 wrestlers:pachaha:

including one who just hosted the ESPY awards

"top heavy" would be 2 or 3 stars and then the rest :trash:

SmackDown has Crews, Corbin, Ziggler, Ryder, Del Rio, Uso's, and better eye candy (Maryse, Bliss, Naomi, Nattie, Carmella, Eva, Lynch)


#RollTide #TSC #RiseUp #BullsNation #RIPKobe
Dec 31, 2012
Montgomery, Alabama
the blatant disrespect :scust:

SmackDown arguably has the best roster right now.
you saying the roster is "top heavy", yet you named 8 wrestlers:pachaha:

including one who just hosted the ESPY awards

"top heavy" would be 2 or 3 solid talents and then the rest :trash:

SmackDown has Crews, Corbin, Ziggler, Del Rio, Uso's, and better eye candy (Maryse, Bliss, Naomi, Nattie, Carmella, Eva, Lynch)

Dudes forgetting that SmackDown is TWO hours long, rosters more than good enough to keep us fed


May 1, 2012
The Smackdown roster seems way too top heavy. You got Cena, Wyatt, AJ, Dean,Orton, American Alpha and the IC title, but after that, it just falls off a fukking cliff.

At least two of Finn, Sami, Owens, and Cesaro should have been on Smackdown. There is no reason all four of them should be on Raw.

Nah SD got the way better undercard/midcard

Del Rio, Ryder, Corbin, Apollo, Vaudes, Kalisto, Dolph, Breezeango, Uso's, Mojo, Ascension, Kane, Rowan


Sheamus, Titus, Neville, Braun, Darren, Golden Truth, Dudley Boyz, Sin Cara, Shining Stars, Big Show, Mark Henry, Swagger, Social Outcasts

The only thing that isn't balanced are the two women's divisions. Raw got a new readymade talent (who could still use work but you can push her right away) in Nia and got Paige too (who really should be on SD as the top heel diva and be with her boo Berto), not to mention Raw likely getting Bayley after this Sunday too. Meanwhile Bliss, Carmella, and Eva are still development projects and Becky & Natalya ain't over enough to carry the division. The SD tag division is puny in comparison to Raw's as well

Playaz Eyez

Sep 2, 2015
Nah SD got the way better undercard/midcard

Del Rio, Ryder, Corbin, Apollo, Vaudes, Kalisto, Dolph, Breezeango, Uso's, Mojo, Ascension, Kane, Rowan


Sheamus, Titus, Neville, Braun, Darren, Golden Truth, Dudley Boyz, Sin Cara, Shining Stars, Big Show, Mark Henry, Swagger, Social Outcasts

The only thing that isn't balanced are the two women's divisions. Raw got a new readymade talent (who could still use work but you can push her right away) in Nia and got Paige too (who really should be on SD as the top heel diva and be with her boo Berto), not to mention Raw likely getting Bayley after this Sunday too. Meanwhile Bliss, Carmella, and Eva are still development projects and Becky & Natalya ain't over enough to carry the division. The SD tag division is puny in comparison to Raw's as well

On SD, I don't care for Del Rio, Rowan (if he's without the Wyatts) and Kane. On Raw, I don't care for Sheamus, Dudleyz, Swagger, Braun (if he's without the Wyatts), Big Show, nor Mark Henry (since he'll be a jobber) :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

:russ: @ Heath Slater being the only undrafted person
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May 1, 2012
On the low I hope Kane & Ascension form a stable of some sorts (and maybe form an alliance with the Wyatts down the line?). None of them are doing shyt, Kane makes me wanna end it all everytime I see him on screen, and Ascension are essentially idle talent you should be doing something with.


Apr 30, 2012
Glad I didn't catch this live, y'all seemed to love it by the amount of pages in this thread. Nothing intriguing happened for me other than who got drafted from NXT. I'll still be watching tho :yeshrug:
May 30, 2012
WWE needs to get a new production staff and actual professional producers who are not old wrestlers or Vince and his lieutenants The first show that gets rid of Dunn is going to win, mark my words.

They call Raw the longest running episodic show on cable right? These dumb fukks don't realize that being an episodic program you have a certain amount of creative freedom to make your show. I know this concept would blow their mind but they should not have had a single wrestling match tonight. I don't even think the marks in the audience would be too upset, as long as you have dark matches or tapings before and after. I mean come on there was no reason for Ambrose to go over Rollins clean tonight. Isn't a contrived draw yesterday enough? You set your own rules. There's no reason to have the same match two days in a row when you are going to wrestle the same dude again, essentially, in like 4 days. They could have planned a totally campy draft show, they had Daniel Bryan and Mick Foley for gods sake two of the most slapstick wrestlers they ever had. Instead it's all dark and rushed and disorganized. Like they didn't have two months to plan this. It's almost like they shoot drafted. I know it's not, I'm not that gullible but it would at least explain some of the :dame:fukkery and picks tonight. Or the company just sucks. Yeah that's it.

I really don't understand kayfabe how Kevin Owens fell as far as he did. He's a borderline top 5 regular who if going by the logic of this draft style could be as high as three maybe even two on the big board. Is he that much of an a$$hole character/actual person that neither brand really wanted to deal with him. A good 'episodic program' would explore that.

If Shane actually 'runs' Smackdown or at least has a significant influence he has to change the look. Change the set, change the environment, change the atmosphere. He has the baddest women's division basically in wrestling history. Friggin Alexa, Naomi, Becky, Eva Marie might be the four baddest bytches in the whole company and they're all wrestling for your brand. If the icon Nikki winds up there, which let's be honest, she's ending up there your women's division is a gold mine. Sex that shyt up. Style it.

They did get the Ascension, Breezedango, Usos and Vaudevillains so it will be interesting to see whether that division becomes kids programs or comics. You have all the characters to give the show a supernatural strange vibe including Kane and Bray Wyatt. Daniel Bryan can get weird as well as anyone, and Ambrose should be able. Mojo Rawley is basically a cartoon character. Randy Orton is a wildcard but he's certainly eccentric. Ziggler as the jaded Johnny Mundo style a$$hole who'll do anything to kickstart his career. The Miz is basically your carnival barker master of ceremonies that throws down type dude. And that's barely even remembering they have John Cena as the aging goliath, old man brute strength a$$hole who won't step aside. Perhaps most important of all THEY DON'T HAVE MICHAEL COLE. All the ingredients are there for some strange wrestling that could rival Lucha Underground if they develop it right, and that's really their plan right? Have Smackdown go after LU, have NXT in the ROH and bigger indy markets to siphon their money and keep Raw as the flagship of what Vince and Stephanie McMahon think wrestling should be. It's a good plan and WWE is not a company lacking for vision, they are a company lacking for execution and a coherent television narrative. The opportunity is here for a good show and not a it's not supposed to be good show, but they have to put effort into making it a good show. Knowing this company they won't. I know the writer has a good rep, but good writing is not enough with shyt production values and directing. shyt, act like your the Patriots and promote your NXT production guys for a new different assignment and tell Dunn to fukk off and focus on Raw. Side note: I think Triple H has more influence and tentacles in every single show then fans realize. The network, the cruiserweights, Mauro, the writers and wrestlers he trained are all part of his influence, and if anything he might have the least influence on his wife's show.

Raw pretty much stays the same. I mean they lost Cena, Wyatt, AJ etc. sure but AJ's only been there all of 6 months and Cena/Wyatt ain't been on much recently anyway. Sure they lost Ambrose and he is a workhorse, no matter what you think of his ability (it's lacking), dude never gets hurt and wrestles on pretty much every show. That's something that can be absorbed though. Similar to Becky, Smackdown got the biggest babyface workhorse of their respective trio, but the least regarded. They kept New Day, kept Enzo and Cass, kept all the indy midcarders plus indy Jericho plus budding indy Rusev. They lost Ziggler and no one is gonna miss him. They basically got thinned like a herd of deer, and they needed it, the roster was too big. Yet somehow it still seems bloated. While Smackdown is relatively lean with even the Apollo Crews' and Carmella's and Rowan's of the low card having potential, Raw was swallowing all the Sheamus, Big Show, Dudley, Sin Cara, Henry, Shining Stars, Swagger, Alicia Fox guppies with their extra picks that are any combination of over the hill, bad, boring, unmotivated, afterthoughts. So all that said I go back to the original sentence, Raw pretty much stays the same. If this show was significantly better in 6 months or a year I would be shocked.

Some of y'all mentioned it and it's kinda true Smackdown really did draft like Masai. They really went out of their way to not draft shytty vets, and got fired up underused guys like Alberto and Zigs who can more than contribute. It was kinda like when you were a kid and you swindled your younger cousin for a good baseball card with like 20 :flabbynsick: cards.

Let me end this on something positive. Heath beginning and ending the show and the ongoing plot was prime WWE irreverent bullshyt that they do well. If they could have structured the whole show like that, I'd be more optimistic they can produce a good show going forward.

Also why did all the black guys -Crews go to Raw?

See you all Sunday. :youngsabo:

Sorry this was so long, I'm pretty ripped.
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