6 Reasons Men Won't Commit - Classic Tariq Nasheed -


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Good lord I'm glad someone else in here gets it.

It's the Internet though breh, we out chea pushing range rovers, making 50 racks a week, and kicking dime pawgs out our crib because they asked if it was ok to use our bathrooms in our mansions.

We bout that life breah :smugfavre:


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Show me where I wrote a female shouldn't adhere to household duties? Or stated she should be taken care of while her S/O works.

Never came from my fingertips.

You've been been trying to shyt on the working husband/stay at home wife relationship the entire thread.

As a woman I enjoy working and could never be a stay at home wife/mom. I have a purpose in life. Due to the fact I don't know the day of my demise I won't put my aspirations on hold until my children are 18 or have my husband taking care of us.

Well good for you. So you're better and more enlightened than a woman who doesn't work, stays home and takes care of the kids? There are plenty of women are completely fulfilled with doing so just like you are with your career. I know a married couple, both surgeons, and guess what? The wife quit and is now a stay at home mom.

We're partners. I'm not suppose to stop living because I'm with a man, nor should he for me. If anything family/companionship should enhance one's life. With commitment two people become one, dreams are fulfilled and you're blessed to watch/help those who are closest to you overcome obstacles.

Again good for you. Being a stay at home wife isn't for you, and that's fine. But there are plenty of women who get fulfillment from doing so. You're acting like a husband taking care of the house and holding it down financially while a wife takes care of home and kids isn't a partnership. I know your gonna say "that's not what I said" and play semantics but that's what pretty much is coming out of your mouth.

Ya'll the ones stuck on petty BS refusing to commit to the females you're obviously attracted to.

Dont lump me in with the rest of these ugly losers on here that go out of their way to bash women. I haven't once complained about being able to find a woman or bashed Black woman so miss me with that.

The majority of my responses where based upon men complaining about females who don't cook. Not marriage, stay at home moms or husbands who financially hold down their household. If you came to that conclusion by reading my words, is purely subjective and based upon your interpretation not what was written.

I commend any woman/man that dedicates all of their time to their children/spouse while upholding a solidified structure. On the flip side I've seen the many individuals fall to pieces once their children leave home/go off to college or in the midst of marital problems.

I was trying to understand, how long are men with these females who exhibit such undesirable qualities that all they do is complain, in thread after thread after thread.

Where's the accountability for their own unhappiness?


Postin’ & Toastin’ Since 02’
Apr 30, 2012
Men wanting women to cook and clean=Wanting a replacement mother.
Women wanting a man to protect and provide for her, keep a roof over her head, and buy her rings to "prove" he loves her≠Wanting a replacement father or looking for a man to fill in the void that her absent father left.


SMH @ This Psycho Babble

Trying To Compensate For A Parental Figure Goes Way Deeper Then Wanting Those Things BASIC Things You Just Named


May 12, 2012

10:53 minute mark is where he starts getting into the topic
14.00 he starts the countdown

6. Easy access to sex. Slores have driven the price of sex down so low. 40$ in the stripclub. Men don't have to be in a commited relationship like back in the day. A lot slores out here.

5. Guys don't want to be rape financially. Divorce and Child Support Settlements are harsh on men.

4. Too many women, with too much baggage.

3. Men don't have the social pressure to get married. No biological clock.

2. A lot of dudes just like to have the option of smashing different chicks without any guilt or drama. Player stage.

1. A lot of women don't really give men an incentive for a man commit to them. A lot of women don't bring much to the table. At least not enough for a man to give up all his jumpoffs and ex's. Women don't cook and clean or do all of the thing the women did back in the day. Alot of women aren't taking care of themselves. Eating too much, not working out, tattoos, etc.

This. most of em dont even have an interesting personality, which leads to me not wanting to talk to em, which leads to me smashing and dashing :yeshrug:

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
SMH @ This Psycho Babble

Trying To Compensate For A Parental Figure Goes Way Deeper Then Wanting Those Things BASIC Things You Just Named

Did I say it was limited to that and only that? Cool you called me a psycho. I would call you a name too but I've never seen a post from you in my life. The same could be said for men and a mother figure as well.
Jun 1, 2012
Did I say it was limited to that and only that? Cool you called me a psycho. I would call you a name too but I've never seen a post from you in my life. The same could be said for men and a mother figure as well.

THATS what you took away from kolo's post?
:leostare: :leostare::leostare::leostare::leostare::leostare::leostare::leostare:



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
All most women bring is their looks and that fades
They think because guys want to smash that guys want to commit, how little do they know.

La Heffer Paris

...Oooo La La Hilton...
Jun 21, 2012
Wow, this thread got some real bitter folks.

Anyhow, about the child support part:

Men, if you don't want to pay: Stop being allergic to condoms.

Women, if you don't want to deal with unnecessary baby daddy/baby mama drama: Stop being allergic to birth control.

About cooking and cleaning:

Everybody needs to know how to cook and clean, it's a basic necessity of life. Also, why does it have to be regulated to just one gender in a relationship? Why can't a man and a woman do both cooking and cleaning in a relationship?

I've seen both do it and from what I've seen, it usually works well.

About commitment:

Only be committed when you are ready to be committed. However, men, stop filling up bullshyt sweet nothings in women's heads about commitment to only get what you want.

Also, ladies, stop thinking just because the dude is willing fukk, he is willing to marry.

Far as looks/shelf life bullshyt:

Everybody looks fade, yes, you read right, everybody looks fade. Men and women BOTH. It's not limited to one gender.

Well, hold up, with the exception of Black women. We age very damn well, even moreso when we take care of ourselves.

I think typical hotness can fade however, a person can blossom into beauty as they age. That comes along with health, positive attitude, active mind, and a pleasant spirit with balanced emotions.

Anyhow, I really don't pay attention to Tariq Nasheed much or any other of those PUA men folk. A lot of them are just bitter dudes who are just mad they really can't have their way about shyt when it comes to women and have a personal vendetta against women.

Any good man about his worth doesn't take advice from such men.

That is all.

La Heffer Paris

...Oooo La La Hilton...
Jun 21, 2012
Sadly as a man why would you commit to most of these women they offer nothing.

They offer nothing.
Most prostitutes are even cleaner than the reg woken out there as they get pap smears and std tests regularly.

I can cook and clean for myself, most women offer nothing but their looks which decay, the hottest women have a shelf life of like 15 years, avg chicks even less. Women are the cheapest creatures on earth so dual income yeah right.

Also the big thing is the routine, after awhile only so much places you can go, the game, the movie, the museum etc. it gets stale and redundant

Wow, just wow.


It's pretty sad to think that way.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Wow, just wow.


It's pretty sad to think that way.


Women are very cheap, Sales coupons , even when buying things they don't want or need just for the thrill of spending, they're always looking for a bargain.
Women seldom pay for anything related to a date , travel or entertainment .
When it comes to dating and spending money, most women are all about being traditional and they expect the man to pay for everything.

Also, women, regardless of how successful they become, almost always marry a spouse that will make more than they do. They typically want men to be the providers but claim to be independent women. Hell, even Ms. Independent Woman herself Beyonce (a woman of means) is with Jay Z, a man of more means.

I know you will bring up how you an stout friends "aren't like that" :childplease: that you have your own money and don't need man bla bla as you accept dinner dates never paying half, vacations never contributing etc.

La Heffer Paris

...Oooo La La Hilton...
Jun 21, 2012

Women are very cheap, Sales coupons , even when buying things they don't want or need just for the thrill of spending, they're always looking for a bargain.
Women seldom pay for anything related to a date , travel or entertainment .
When it comes to dating and spending money, most women are all about being traditional and they expect the man to pay for everything.

Also, women, regardless of how successful they become, almost always marry a spouse that will make more than they do. They typically want men to be the providers but claim to be independent women. Hell, even Ms. Independent Woman herself Beyonce (a woman of means) is with Jay Z, a man of more means.

What's wrong with coupons and bargains? Everybody I know, men and women, fukking love coupons and bargains. Especially in this economy.

Now, I'll agree, when it comes to dating, a lot of women will not pay out of pocket however, that just some traditional thing of dating that really hasn't died out and probably will not.

However, when the relationship does develop into something, a lot women will not mind paying something for their man.

What's wrong with a woman making her own and marrying a man who makes his own?

I believe everybody should make their own because it's good to be self-sufficient and even moreso when it comes to relationships because you never when your significant other might die or the relationship could just go straight up sour.

However, it doesn't mean two independent adults can't be in a relationship together and share with each other and help each other.

Relationships are a two way street where both people in the relationship need to show respect for one another and care and help each other and love each other.

I think both people in relationship should treat each to something special in terms of spending money without expecting something in return all of the time.

You just sound like a bitter dude that just mad he can't have his way about women.

Glad my men have been better then that.

Also, Beyonce is beautiful.