6 Reasons Men Won't Commit - Classic Tariq Nasheed -

May 21, 2012
Yeah It's Funny When These Females Wonder Why No One Wants Them

I Always Laugh When A Female Says With Pride "I Dont Do The Cooking And Cleaning Thing" As If It's Something To Be Proud Of

There's bytches Out Here In Their 20's That Can Barely Do Laundry

Big Ole Gut, Tacky Tattoos, And A shytty Job

Thinking They're A fukking Catch :laugh:

Not Saying Every Female Has To Be Some Dimed Out Super Woman But They Know Some Dudes Are So Thirsty For p*ssy They Figure They Dont Have To Put In Any Effort

Being Thirsty For p*ssy And Looking At You Like Your Dope Wifey Material Are 2 Different Things

Chicks Get Gassed Thinking Cuz Theres A Bunch Of Guys That Wanna fukk Her That She Has Her shyt Together

Those The Ones That Be On FB And twitter Crying About Being Single
:snoop: I knew the game completely changed when there was a huge discussion on my FB timeline where some chick I went to college with was genuinely insulted when a dude asked her if she knew how to cook on their first date. She had women cosigning left and right. Keep in mind these are the same women that would give their soul to have a man take care of them. I have no problem with a woman that wants the housewife life and stay home while the husband works, but if you don't/can't cook what the fukk is the point of you being there? It's like they want to be tranditional when it benefits them yet nontraditional on that new age independent woman shyt. You can't have it both ways. I tried to explain this and they all hit me with the :usure: and accused me of being sexist. Some women are just hopeless.

Angel On The Rag

I'm bloody hungry!!
May 1, 2012
Tampax Warehouse
:snoop: I knew the game completely changed when there was a huge discussion on my FB timeline where some chick I went to college with was genuinely insulted when a dude asked her if she knew how to cook on their first date. She had women cosigning left and right. Keep in mind these are the same women that would give their soul to have a man take care of them. I have no problem with a woman that wants the housewife life and stay home while the husband works, but if you don't/can't cook what the fukk is the point of you being there? It's like they want to be tranditional when it benefits them yet nontraditional on that new age independent woman shyt. You can't have it both ways. I tried to explain this and they all hit me with the :usure: and accused me of being sexist. Some women are just hopeless.
bytches are so stupid :snoop:

dr. pill biden

All Star
Jun 6, 2012
Who cares......a commitment doesn't negate the reality of the connection you have with somebody. I can't commit yet either so it is what it is :yeshrug:


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Stop this tit for tat bullshyt, we're talking about women. Lets try holding them, and just them, accountable for now.:wtb:

It isn't tit for tat, it should be common sense.

What man/woman of a certain age DOESN'T know how to cook or clean? I'm not sure of anyone's age in this thread or how long ago they've moved out of their parents home, so again this is something everyone should be capable of doing, unless they live in a pigsty.

I truly find it hard to believe that various men constantly attract females that are incapable of basic hygienic necessities. If she lacked the aforementioned it would be prevalent in her appearance. Therefore, if you choose to get involved with said female you have no one to blame but yourself.

Or is it that men want the females they're with to revert into their mothers, who'll pick up where she left off once they moved out of her household.
Jun 1, 2012
It isn't tit for tat, it should be common sense.

What man/woman of a certain age DOESN'T know how to cook or clean? I'm not sure of anyone's age in this thread or how long ago they've moved out of their parents home, so again this is something everyone should be capable of doing, unless they live in a pigsty.

I truly find it hard to believe that various men constantly attract females that are incapable of basic hygienic necessities. If she lacked the aforementioned it would be prevalent in her appearance. Therefore, if you choose to get involved with said female you have no one to blame but yourself.

Or is it that men want the females they're with to revert into their mothers, who'll pick up where she left off once they moved out of her household.

Were talking about women.


The topic isnt about men.
May 21, 2012
It isn't tit for tat, it should be common sense.

What man/woman of a certain age DOESN'T know how to cook or clean?
I'm not sure of anyone's age in this thread or how long ago they've moved out of their parents home, so again this is something everyone should be capable of doing, unless they live in a pigsty.

I truly find it hard to believe that various men constantly attract females that are incapable of basic hygienic necessities. If she lacked the aforementioned it would be prevalent in her appearance. Therefore, if you choose to get involved with said female you have no one to blame but yourself.

Or is it that men want the females they're with to revert into their mothers, who'll pick up where she left off once they moved out of her household
Are you serious or trolling? Anybody can pop a Stouffers lasagna in the oven. I'm talking about women that want to sit on their ass and have the luxuries of a housewife (a luxury that probably 80% of women would love yet don't want to admit) and try to complain about men not living up to traditional roles yet they themselves can't or won't do traditional roles. What's wrong with a man wanting a woman to take care of the household if he's the provider (or as you put "revert into their mothers :beli:)? The women I'm talking about act like they don't or can't cook outside of frozen food or clean up after a man period.


You don't respect your jaw!
May 1, 2012
It isn't tit for tat, it should be common sense.

What man/woman of a certain age DOESN'T know how to cook or clean? I'm not sure of anyone's age in this thread or how long ago they've moved out of their parents home, so again this is something everyone should be capable of doing, unless they live in a pigsty.

I truly find it hard to believe that various men constantly attract females that are incapable of basic hygienic necessities. If she lacked the aforementioned it would be prevalent in her appearance. Therefore, if you choose to get involved with said female you have no one to blame but yourself.

Or is it that men want the females they're with to revert into their mothers, who'll pick up where she left off once they moved out of her household.

It's not about all that. Why can't a man want his lady to cook good meals? Enough with the shaming tactics.


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
No, women. Women who can cook and clean talk about it like its a phd. It's nothing special to me, you're supposed to know how to do that shyt. How would you survive otherwise if you couldn't perform said duties?

Men complaining about women cooking and cleaning is just as retarded.

Every single adult should know how to do those things.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Are you serious or trolling? Anybody can pop a Stouffers lasagna in the oven. I'm talking about women that want to sit on their ass and have the luxuries of a housewife (a luxury that probably 80% of women would love yet don't want to admit) and try to complain about men not living up to traditional roles yet they themselves can't or won't do traditional roles. What's wrong with a man wanting a woman to take care of the household if he's the provider (or as you put "revert into their mothers :beli:)? The women I'm talking about act like they don't or can't cook outside of frozen food or clean up after a man period.

Question? Are you living with said female? Or does she come over to your place or vice verse and you expect to be treated as if you govern a household.

Unless you're actually married to a female who displays the qualities in which you type, its a man choice to deal with it. If there's nothing binding you down to a woman who lacks the qualities you prefer to make a successful relationship, why stay. Then complain about your decision :smh:

It's not about all that. Why can't a man want his lady to cook good meals? Enough with the shaming tactics.

Shaming? not at all...

Especially if you were willing, ready and able to feed yourself before we met. Wanting someone to do for you what you can do for yourself is the equivalent of being treated as a child, who cannot fend for themselves.

It's as if some men think, okay now that I have a woman in my life I no longer have to do everything I did to sustain myself before we got together. That's a bigger turn off than a woman refusing to cater to your every whim. No one likes to carry around dead weight.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
:snoop: I knew the game completely changed when there was a huge discussion on my FB timeline where some chick I went to college with was genuinely insulted when a dude asked her if she knew how to cook on their first date. She had women cosigning left and right. Keep in mind these are the same women that would give their soul to have a man take care of them. I have no problem with a woman that wants the housewife life and stay home while the husband works, but if you don't/can't cook what the fukk is the point of you being there? It's like they want to be tranditional when it benefits them yet nontraditional on that new age independent woman shyt. You can't have it both ways. I tried to explain this and they all hit me with the :usure: and accused me of being sexist. Some women are just hopeless.

:snoop: is sad.


May 10, 2012
:snoop: I knew the game completely changed when there was a huge discussion on my FB timeline where some chick I went to college with was genuinely insulted when a dude asked her if she knew how to cook on their first date. She had women cosigning left and right. Keep in mind these are the same women that would give their soul to have a man take care of them. I have no problem with a woman that wants the housewife life and stay home while the husband works, but if you don't/can't cook what the fukk is the point of you being there? It's like they want to be tranditional when it benefits them yet nontraditional on that new age independent woman shyt. You can't have it both ways. I tried to explain this and they all hit me with the :usure: and accused me of being sexist. Some women are just hopeless.

:dwillhuh:Who the fukk gets offended by getting asked if they know how to cook
these mother fukkers out here get too damn stupid for me


You don't respect your jaw!
May 1, 2012
Question? Are you living with said female? Or does she come over to your place or vice verse and you expect to be treated as if you govern a household.

Unless you're actually married to a female who displays the qualities in which you type, its a man choice to deal with it. If there's nothing binding you down to a woman who lacks the qualities you prefer to make a successful relationship, why stay. Then complain about your decision :smh:

Shaming? not at all...

Especially if you were willing, ready and able to feed yourself before we met. Wanting someone to do for you what you can do for yourself is the equivalent of being treated as a child, who cannot fend for themselves.

It's as if some men think, okay now that I have a woman in my life I no longer have to do everything I did to sustain myself before we got together. That's a bigger turn off than a woman refusing to cater to your every whim. No one likes to carry around dead weight.

You're right. But in the bigger scheme of things, a good meal makes a bad day good. Real talk. So if you have options ( granted most guys don't), which one would you invest time into. A woman who is enthusiastic about cooking you that meal or a woman who thinks she's above it? :myman:

Granted, I could give a shyt about cooking because I like to try different spots out on some DDD type shyt. But I want to have kids one day and I look for materialistic traits in women I want to make more than jump offs. :manny:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Who cares......a commitment doesn't negate the reality of the connection you have with somebody. I can't commit yet either so it is what it is :yeshrug:
Yep. People get caught up so much in titles that it makes them feel insecure about their position with a person.

Relationships are just for the exclusivity of sex, which is crazy because not everyone regards sex in the same manner.