I've been thinking about some career opportunities on the horizon. I'm in the big data space and returned to a company I used to work for in a sales engineer role. With the whole AI stuff going on right now I'm in a good place to learn more and propel my career. My boss also is a brother. Dude looks out for me and he is sort of mentoring me on thr political side of my career, navigating tech as a black man.
Recently I had a former colleague of mine contact me from a competitor asking me to go through an interview process for a role with them.
Pros of jumping ship: higher salary, more focused account, good opportunity on a newer piece of technology
Cons: possibly burning a bridge with a great asset in my boss, taking my career in a slightly different direction.
I could probably make the salary I desire in a year and a half or so, but in this market it's hard not to be a mercenary and look out for number one. I also am relatively new to the sales engineer path so someone grooming me and having a STRONG vested interested in me may be worth more than the short term monetary benefit...especially since he's experienced in the ai space which well take off. Thoughts.