I feel if more companies had some sort of partnership scheme where employees had stake/equity in the company’s performance then we might see a shift. Similar to how upper management is comped on performance targets.They need to start asking themselves what makes an employee want to do exceptional work, and how do they continue to provide that so that they will.
Salary is trading in time for money, even on the pay slips the 2 weeks of pay is calculated on 80hrs, with that set up, there isn’t an incentive per se to go above and beyond outside of wanting to move up the ladder. At least in sales and trading more hours could mean more money since you eat what you kill.
I think it behooves management to better understand their talent pool. Know the folks who just wanna do the 9-5 and give them tasks accordingly, those who want to go above and beyond, do the same to them.
My former manager said he didn’t want promotion passed his VP level atm. SVP would require traveling every 2 weeks of the month and the stress isn’t worth it to him especially with his young kids, he likes to attend his son’s basketball games and spend time with his family or go trade options with his pals