I'm planning on telling my manager tomorrow that I'm resigning this week. Wednesday would be my last day. Don't have another job lined up but fukk it. I'll get on my grind and get one. Half of me wants to take the next two months off, half of me wants to just get on my grind and look for work or work on myself. I'm just sick of doing the retail thing and it's gotten me nowhere. I've been working there for 13 years and I should've left a long time ago. If I keep delaying things, I'll just get more stressed and make things worse. I would like something with better hours also because I work from about 5 to 1230, five times a week, including weekends. I've gotten used to that schedule but it's not worth it. And I seem to be the only one getting that schedule every week. I'm getting nowhere in life and I think I should go explore other options before it's too late. I've been too stressed out.