It's official-er. Interviewed with the finance director yesterday because he didn't get a chance during the initial round. I was nervous but we had a good convo. Basically told him I feel competent technically, but learning the business and it's data is where my anxiety is coming into play. He said he was good to see a technical person focused on the business.
This role is kinda a big deal..."Senior Manager" title and I'll be responsible for the data strategy and direction to some degree. All those times I spent as a member of a project team, dragging management for filth, now I'm the one in the position to be dragged. I can't let me down LMMFAO!
HR sent the itinerary for the week I'll be there. They have me starting at 10am on Monday, with my rise and shine at 5 am ass. Then they have a rotating schedule with people in the office, I was in the Monday/Tuesday round. LOL if they have me working remotely in the hotel around the corner Wed-Fri, I might be a little mad. I can go home Tuesday night because packing for a week is hell. Work clothes, after work clothes, workout clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. It's a multiple suitcase situation.