Everything Zen
I hate Linux so much lol. I think it's probably because I haven't taken the time to really learn it. My girl bought a computer that had a Linux OS on it, I almost threw that shyt in the garbage. Linux is interesting though. I had her put Ubuntu on my old computer. I quit after a few days. Now I see I need to learn command lines. shyt would run a lot smoother lol. I just wanted it for those little hacking tools.
right now, the holy trinity is linux, networking and the python programming language. becoming competent at those three things is what will allow you to smoothly move into cloud and devops, which is where the big bag is rn.
moving forward linux is going to be more and more important to know how to use. all of world's fastest and most important machines use the linux kernel as a backbone. IoT devices like alexa use it. ever see those fancy smart fridges and toasters with lil lcd screens on em?
dem shyts are running Linux
its literally everywhere breh lol
id grab an iso of CentOS 8, spin it up on virtual machine and play around with it. the free ndg linux essentials course on cisco's netacad is also a great start. it's one of those things that once you become proficient at, you'll probably grow to prefer... the only reason i still have windows on my home system is because im a pc gamer tbh.