I just started redoing my resume to make it more visually appealing - colors, layout, portrait photo, icons. The content is more or less the same but hopefully it's more eye catching for human screeners. I tried to apply the same knowledge I picked up a couple of years ago when I revised my resume to make it easier for resume parsers: completely from scratch, no table useage(parsers read top to bottom then left to right), intelligent column layout (similar to table usage). Run it through this(
www.joinvision.com/en/products/cvlizer/?gktab=7#cvlizer-test) a few times and see if it pulls out what you want it to. If not then see what you can do to get it to conform. Don't request the XML

I did that one time and it stopped letting me test for a few weeks.
It's an asymmetrical 2 column layout, left side is the at-a-glance portion with visual aids, right side is more in depth with my experience. I stole the concept from here:
Online CV Builder and Professional Resume CV Maker - VisualCV .I just need to do some beautification on the headings, maybe use another font rather than Times, and it should be done. The only real downside is that it's going to require color printing for full effect. I might try to make some changes to make it black and white friendly for face-to-face events, but since everything is online it might not be worth the effort. I even incorporated hyperlinks to my email address, LinkedIn, and GitHub, however they aren't obvious links.
I think when I get it finalized I'll swap it with my previous one and see how it does.