Deflection to personal shyt usually b/c I'm hitting too close to the truth.
That's usually what you and some other posters with similar posting patterns do when u don't like the truth of what I'm saying. I'm talking about IR dating hypocrisy and I've seen PLENTY of people hating big time if a blk chick even looks at a non-blk dude and throwing celebration parties when blk dudes do it. Same for blk chicks.
It's fun to watch the hypocrisy spin. "You go boi! Wish it was me?"
"Fukk deez wenches!" "Oooh girl congratulations!" Vs "He a c00n".
Have fun! Hope I see u throwing the same party in a Serena thread. Or a Rihanna thread...

(And yes I'm trolling but even u gotta admit this shyt is funny sometimes.)