49ers DE Arik Armstead is PAWGing with a doctor UPDATE: He proposed UPDATE: 5 yr deal up to 85 milly


Feb 12, 2015
Ain't you the one who said IR dating for black men was ten times worse than when black women do it:hhh:? Go watch Scandal or something to feel better cause you clearly hurt over some nikka you don't even know:mjlol:
Wait is this attack a blk chick to cape for a dude with white p*ssy time?! :mjlol:
Not a good look.

And when did I say that? :patrice:Although I might be alluding to it being more common than the reverse...
All I want is for people to make these excuses for Riri and co. when they do it. On some, "they won" type deal babe!
No harm no foul...

:russ::mjlol: It's okay god knows I don't wanna get e-lynched for pointing out irony in this very special celebratory moment.:lolbron:

And note I haven't called the celebrity a c00n or anything. There are even times when I congratulate some couples. But the spin and hypocrisy I see with this is hilarious. Like:lolbron:


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
Wait is this attack a blk chick to cape for a dude with white p*ssy time?! :mjlol:
Not a good look.

And when did I say that? :patrice:Although I might be alluding to it being more common than the reverse...
All I want is for people to make these excuses for Riri and co. when they do it. On some, "they won" type deal babe!
No harm no foul...

:russ::mjlol: It's okay god knows I don't wanna get e-lynched for pointing out irony in this very special celebratory moment.:lolbron:

And note I haven't called the celebrity a c00n or anything. There are even times when I congratulate some couples. But the spin and hypocrisy I see with this is hilarious. Like:lolbron:
Is this coming from the same person who says that Black men IR dating is 10 times worse then when black women do it or do i have you mistaken for someone else:mjgrin:?


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
Nah. Quite frankly i think it's MUCH worse for blk men. Like 10 times worse.
1.) First of all blk women outnumber blk men by crazy margins. So there is literally no excuse as to why a blk man wouldn't be able to find his counterpart in his own race, and yet blk men date out more despite having more access to a greater number of possible mates in their race than blk women do.
2.) Secondly prostitution and women using sex for money is a common trait among all races of women. So blk women tricking off white men is (vomit inducing) but par for the course in terms of lower tier male/female dynamics. But when blk men date white women, because of racial dynamics, they are stripped of their masculinity and treated like whores too. A man being reduced to a sexual object for a race of women considered to be superior is a terrible thing. And u see this play out in how aggressive white women are with blk men. In how they literally pay for sex tourism trips with blk men. In how some blk men brag about tricking off or living with white women and using them for money. Some try to paint this as a positive but it's just emasculating. And it's exactly what racist white males want because it validates their mythos of superiority and the myth that blk men are nothing more than sex objects like women.
3.) As if that isn't enuff, the risk of losing wealth is greater when blk men date out than when blk women date out. Blk males make more than blk females and date out and marry out at far higher rates. When divorce or babies happen it's the blk man paying out cash to the white community or being used as a last resort to fund white women that no one else wanted. Talk to any frustrated Asian male about how their parents allow Asian chicks to do anything but put all the burden on them in terms of dating and marriage. It's because wealth flows patrilineally and can be lost or taken from males as child support and divorce laws favor women.

4.) You gotta stop downplaying the enormity of white female evil to justify worshipping a group of women that look nothing like you (I.e. Self-hate).
White women participated in, benefited from and raised the white males you hate. These are the women that playfully took their babies to WATCH blk men and women being brutally tortured for crimes of rape accusations and other lies. These are the women who packed the picnic baskets and finger sandwiches to go and watch u burn. Who beheaded blk babies and children, killed blk female and male slaves who worked in the house, made their husbands sell families of slaves on a whim...I mean I could continue. But I shouldn't have to tell a blk man about the evils of whites just because ya'll's dikks are compromising ur judgement.

Quite frankly, I'm not impressed by IR dating on either side but when u consider our race is already down in blk male numbers by the MILLIONS, we can't afford to justify the loss of any others based on some soft-toe "but white p*ssy ain't dat bad" c00ning apologetics. And I'm tired of seeing blks with non-blk mates plucked from obscurity to represent our race but apparently that's how Hollyweird works. Which is a terrifying agenda to me.
@Booksnrain But you want people to defend swirlers :mjlol:


Feb 12, 2015
@Booksnrain But you want people to defend swirlers :mjlol:
Hell I agree with that post. Not a lie was told.

But I've also been non-haterish to IR couples too. To Mike Coulter and I'm pretty sure I wished a blk dude happy jumping in his pursuit of some non-blks the other day, so u can't legitimately call me a hater

I don't automatically call blk men who date out c00ns either.

c00ning has some very specific stipulations for me. IR dating can be a symptom of c00ning but it doesn't necessarily have to have its origins in c00nism all the time.:yeshrug:

Being attracted to different races of people doesn't make u a c00n. Worshipping others because u believe stereotypes about ur own makes u a c00n.

She's cute. Hope u find her!
It's just that you don't like the truth of what I say when I call out the hypocrisy...which u been deflecting about.

Note I never hated on the couple btw.


Feb 12, 2015
Her hypocrisy is astounding :wow:
Ya'll gotta stop this and addresss what I'm saying.
If u like it for one group then like for everybody. I've been very consistent about this. Just say u don't like me pointing it out when it's males doing it. Because I do it for women too. This is just a classic
"Get outta here! Lemme PAWG in peace" sentiment.
So can I count on seeing u showing love in the next blk chick IR thread?