4 Idaho college students killed in "worst crime we've ever seen". Suspect arrested 12/30


Apr 15, 2017
Yet once again, you got so called black people on here saying "RIP" and giving their condolences to dead white people. Meanwhile, these same white people wouldn't do the same thing if a black person gets killed by the police and will most likely blame the victim for their own demise. Y'all are ridiculous :scust:

You gotta be white trying to be edgy like this


Marathon Mentality 🏁
May 26, 2012
TMC 8-24
Gotta be something to that food truck video with the girls stumbling around and ole dude kinda watching from afar then following from another direction. Maybe they were drunk after a night out. Maybe that's "Jack" the sister is referring to and one of the girls met somebody who they thought were cool and gave him the code to the house & shyt. Could also be a jealous lover / side piece too.

Either way, shyt is crazy....campus life ain't no joke right now. Seem like weirdo killings on the ride after all this true crime / serial killer shyt, maybe.
Oct 25, 2014
This case sounds like straight out of a slasher film.

My theory:
This is an act of a serial killer. Animals were found killed by a knife a while back in the same area. The killer is a white male, solidly built with experience in hunting. The killer killed all of them in such a short amount of time, he is definitely used to squirming animals in the woods.

They were found in their beds and were all attacked while sleeping.Since, they were drunk or high, once the killer attacked them, they had no chance to register what was happening to them. And since proficient at using a knife, Especially with a rambo, they did not have much of an opportunity to scream or struggle. The only one who fought was Xana, who had defensive wounds. She was sleeping next to Ethan and when the killer was stabbing Ethan, woke up and desperately fought the killer. Since, Xana had the wounds, the killer would have cuts and scrapes and bleeding everywhere.

The crime scene is a bloodbath. So much blood that it trickled down through the pipes. Pic from outside:

A "family friend" of one of the surviving girls on Reddit said one of the girls heard noises, called out and heard no response. But had a gut feeling, so she went into the other surviving girl's room and they locked her bedroom door and went to sleep together in one bed. Maybe what she heard was the struggle between the killer and Xana but it didn't register to her as her roommates being murdered. She probably just thought she was being paranoid.

Also, I read somewhere that our bodies have been adapted for millennia to sense something is wrong. Never ignore your gut feeling, fukk being rational. Once you have that physiological reaction, get the fukk out of that situation.


Jan 26, 2017

Idaho police: Dog found skinned head-to-tail is unrelated to college students' murders​

A 12-year-old mini Australian shepherd was found skinned head-to-tail in Moscow, Idaho, just three weeks before four college students were murdered, but police say the two crimes are unrelated.


Detectives say there is no link between a 12-year-old dog that was found skinned and four college students who were stabbed in Moscow, Idaho​

MOSCOW, Idaho – The Moscow Police Department said Monday that a dog found skinned head-to-tail on Oct. 21 is unrelated to the brutal murders of four University of Idaho students three weeks later.

Pamela Colbert's neighbors found her lost dog, a 12-year-old mini Australian shepherd, completely skinned just down the road from her home, which is several miles from the scene of the murders that occurred off-campus.

Colbert, 78, told Fox News Digital that she remembered at a Latah County Sheriff's Office supervisor telling her: "This hasn't been done by an animal. This was a human that did this."

Some locals feared that the grotesque incidents could be related, but law enforcement dispelled those rumors on Monday.


12-year-old mini Australian shepherd was found skinned head-to-tail in Moscow, Idaho, just three weeks before four college students were murdered, but police say the two crimes are unrelated. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
"Detectives are aware of a Latah County Sheriff’s Office incident of the report of a skinned dog and have determined it is unrelated to this incident," the Moscow Police Department said in a short update on Monday evening

Her neighbor, Clint Hughes, has a fluffy Bernese Mountain Dog named Max, who ripped up his bed the same day Colbert's dog was found dead near both of their properties in an area near a shed with overgrown grass.

Pam Colbert's neighbor, Clint Hughes, has a fluffy Bernese Mountain Dog named Max, who ripped up his bed the same day Colbert's dog was found dead near both of their properties in an area near a shed with overgrown grass.

Pam Colbert's neighbor, Clint Hughes, has a fluffy Bernese Mountain Dog named Max, who ripped up his bed the same day Colbert's dog was found dead near both of their properties in an area near a shed with overgrown grass. (Derek Shook for Fox News Digital)
"You could tell it just wasn't an animal that did it," he explained, adding that "it was obviously done with a knife

Moscow's last homicide was in 2015. The entire community is on edge a week since police do not have any suspects nor a recovered weapon more than a week after the tragedy

The Moscow Police Department also said that a separate dog was found at the home on the day of the murders and was given to a "responsible party."


Jan 26, 2017
1 week later 600 tips... 0 suspects besides they looking for a special military knife

Idaho murders - live updates: Stabbing scene labeled a ‘party house’ as outrage over lack of clues grows​

The home where four University of Idaho students were killed was described as “kind of a party house” by neighbours.

Jeremy Reagan, a third-year law student who lives near the scene of the murders, told Fox News that the victims would host gatherings several nights a week, but they were self-contained most of the time. He also said that people went in and out of the house “pretty frequently.”

“There were parties that were kind of loud,” Mr Reagan said. “As I would take my dog in and out to go to the bathroom [and] I would see people in the windows almost every night, probably four or five nights a week ... it was kind of a party house but then again this is whole neighbourhood is a party neighbourhood.”

Key points​

  • Family & friends mourn Ethan Chapin at emotional memorial
  • Over a week, 600 tips, no suspects identified, no arrests made
  • No link between students' murders and dog found dead nearby - police
  • Overwhelming ‘mess’ of evidence at crime scene
  • Police dispel online speculation surrounding students' murders


Jan 26, 2017

The crime scene is a bloodbath. So much blood that it trickled down through the pipes. Pic from outside:

A "family friend" of one of the surviving girls on Reddit said one of the girls heard noises, called out and heard no response. But had a gut feeling, so she went into the other surviving girl's room and they locked her bedroom door and went to sleep together in one bed. Maybe what she heard was the struggle between the killer and Xana but it didn't register to her as her roommates being murdered. She probably just thought she was being paranoid.


both of the roommates was asleep in in the basement

They woke up, thought one of the victims was passed out then called their other friends then 9/11



Jun 14, 2012
What is the layout of this house that you wouldn’t smell dead bodies?
Travis Alexander was dead rotting in a puddle of water in his shower for 5 days and his roommates didn’t even smell or find him. Travis’s friends who came looking for him did. Roommates can be like….ridiculous with the level of staying out of folks business at times.


Jan 26, 2017

Sa NOV 12
  • ~3PM - KG's final phone call with mother - intended to return home on Tuesday [63@5:30]
  • KG's final IG post w roommates [15]
  • EC attends a dance at his sister's sorority as her date; his other triplet brother went with his sister's roommate [53]
  • PM - neighbors hear loud music from somewhere "in the neighborhood"; did NOT hear screaming or gunshots [33]
  • PM - neighbors report "hearing noise from the house Saturday evening but said it sounded like a party rather than an altercation." [40]; Rumor debunked: Moscow PD states there is no indication of party at the residence [47]
  • 8PM-9PM - EC & XK attend party at Sigma Chi house (735 Nez Perce Dr [59])[58]
  • 10PM - 1:30AM - MM & KG at The Corner Club bar downtown [58]; took an Uber to get there [43@0:45]
  • ~12PM - XK last contact with family [56]

day 1 of investigation at residence

  • 1AM - surviving roommates BF & DM each arrive home from separate locations [58]
  • 1:33AM - 1:53AM [41] - MM & KG seen on Twitch video from Grub Truck food truck [38] located at 318 S. Main Street [58], where they order pasta; manager states they were "slightly intoxicated" [41] - VIDEO from Gray Hughes Investigates
  • ~1:45AM - EC & XK arrived home from Sigma Chi party [47]
  • after 1:45AM (1:59AM, according to KG's family [63@1:23]) - MM & KG arrived home from a bar [47]; MM & KG took Uber (or "private party" [58]) home, let dog out, locked house up [43@0:45]
  • ISP stated (cf Nov 17) that they believe suspect came in through sliding glass door [55]
  • 2:26AM-2:44AM - KG phones "Jack" six times [58] (family clarifies that "Jack" is KG's exbf, KG had wanted Jack to come over, family does not believe he is involved, that they were going to get back together [63@7:30])
  • 2:44AM-252AM - MM phones KG's "Jack" three times [58]
  • 2:52AM - KG phones "Jack" a final time [58]
  • 2AM-5AM - updated estimated TIME OF DEATH [58] (3AM-4AM - estimated time of death [9])
  • EC's mother states that "roommates heard something" but did not get into details [58]
  • [TIME?] - BODIES DISCOVERED - a surviving roommate summoned friends to residence bc they "believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up" [61]; according to EC's mother, bodies were found by "a friend" [32] who does not live in the house [39]
  • 11:58AM [20] - 911 CALL - LE respond to "a report of an unconscious person" (later verified to be one of the deceased [30]); multiple people spoke with dispatch before LE arrival [61]
  • [TIME?] - FIRST RESPONDERS ARRIVE - First responders "discovered four individuals who were deceased" [20] - EC was found on floor of second level [36]; two victims found on 2nd floor; two on 3rd floor [60@5:29]; officers describe a bloody crime scene, "especially on upper floors of the house" [37]; fire and EMS were also on scene but did not go into residence or transport anyone out[1]
  • ~12PM - coroner informed of 4 homicides [45@0:15]

Jean toomer

Oct 15, 2015

Sa NOV 12
  • ~3PM - KG's final phone call with mother - intended to return home on Tuesday [63@5:30]
  • KG's final IG post w roommates [15]
  • EC attends a dance at his sister's sorority as her date; his other triplet brother went with his sister's roommate [53]
  • PM - neighbors hear loud music from somewhere "in the neighborhood"; did NOT hear screaming or gunshots [33]
  • PM - neighbors report "hearing noise from the house Saturday evening but said it sounded like a party rather than an altercation." [40]; Rumor debunked: Moscow PD states there is no indication of party at the residence [47]
  • 8PM-9PM - EC & XK attend party at Sigma Chi house (735 Nez Perce Dr [59])[58]
  • 10PM - 1:30AM - MM & KG at The Corner Club bar downtown [58]; took an Uber to get there [43@0:45]
  • ~12PM - XK last contact with family [56]

day 1 of investigation at residence

  • 1AM - surviving roommates BF & DM each arrive home from separate locations [58]
  • 1:33AM - 1:53AM [41] - MM & KG seen on Twitch video from Grub Truck food truck [38] located at 318 S. Main Street [58], where they order pasta; manager states they were "slightly intoxicated" [41] - VIDEO from Gray Hughes Investigates
  • ~1:45AM - EC & XK arrived home from Sigma Chi party [47]
  • after 1:45AM (1:59AM, according to KG's family [63@1:23]) - MM & KG arrived home from a bar [47]; MM & KG took Uber (or "private party" [58]) home, let dog out, locked house up [43@0:45]
  • ISP stated (cf Nov 17) that they believe suspect came in through sliding glass door [55]
  • 2:26AM-2:44AM - KG phones "Jack" six times [58] (family clarifies that "Jack" is KG's exbf, KG had wanted Jack to come over, family does not believe he is involved, that they were going to get back together [63@7:30])
  • 2:44AM-252AM - MM phones KG's "Jack" three times [58]
  • 2:52AM - KG phones "Jack" a final time [58]
  • 2AM-5AM - updated estimated TIME OF DEATH [58] (3AM-4AM - estimated time of death [9])
  • EC's mother states that "roommates heard something" but did not get into details [58]
  • [TIME?] - BODIES DISCOVERED - a surviving roommate summoned friends to residence bc they "believed one of the second-floor victims had passed out and was not waking up" [61]; according to EC's mother, bodies were found by "a friend" [32] who does not live in the house [39]
  • 11:58AM [20] - 911 CALL - LE respond to "a report of an unconscious person" (later verified to be one of the deceased [30]); multiple people spoke with dispatch before LE arrival [61]
  • [TIME?] - FIRST RESPONDERS ARRIVE - First responders "discovered four individuals who were deceased" [20] - EC was found on floor of second level [36]; two victims found on 2nd floor; two on 3rd floor [60@5:29]; officers describe a bloody crime scene, "especially on upper floors of the house" [37]; fire and EMS were also on scene but did not go into residence or transport anyone out[1]
  • ~12PM - coroner informed of 4 homicides [45@0:15]
The sister conducting her own investigation said she wanted to know who was the Jack her deceased sister kept calling. It’s strange she didn’t know that this was her ex boyfriend.
So the killer killed 2 people on the 2nd floor then killed 2 more on the 3rd floor and the roommates didn’t here anyone walk up the stairs? Potentially more than one killer?
ISP determined killer came in through the sliding door and didn’t use the code on the keypad. If that’s the case the killers been in the house before and probably known to the victims.
So many questions but I still say some sort of cover up.