Weak Mania, but I thought it had better wrestling and huge spots than last year's, just not as entertaining as last year's, and not even close to WM 30's level. It's not completely WWE's fault, all top stars got injured, and The Rock and Rousey couldn't fully compete. Vince's huge dream slowly got shattered. Stadium wasn't sold out. The build wasn't a bad as people claim it was tho. Props to mid carders for stepping up huge, they have been killing Raw and ppv's (Owens, AJ, Jericho, New Day, LON, NXT top guys). It just didn't meet my expectations and the only results I'm happy with is Charlotte, Ryder (cause he's improved and now Owens and Zayn can move up). I love Corbin, but Henry should have gotten that win.
7.5/10. I missed a good amount, so my experience was 6/10.