You sound like a fat dumb bytch that can't control your appetite. People don't have to do anything I am stating, but I think that it is dangerous to be encouraging people to engage in these fast fads without letting them know how dangerous they are. People with underlying health conditions need to see their doctors before first engaging in this stuff, because it can literally kill you. The dangerousness of a fast is why everyone can not and do not do Ramadan. Then as with any diet you will end up weighing more after the diet than when you first started if you don't change your underlying habits.You sound like a bytch .
Shut the fukk up nothing is wrong with going on a 7 day fast or 30 day fast .
After yes u have to change your habits because if u don’t u will gain all the weight back .
No one has to do things how u say .
People have to find out what works for them .