Because it's all about entertainment. Jay said it best. "I would spit it, if yall would buy it, that's good business."
It's like a movie, with fantastic stories of drug dealing and crime. That shyt sells. The problem isn't the artist, it's the fans. The artist isn't buying all his own albums, he makes a product that people enjoy enough to buy. And who really wants to hear about everyday normal shyt? Wasn't Asher Roth's whole shtick about being a college kid? He was a straight dud.
The world is supply and demand, and every body is demanding these fanatical stories from the ghettos. In any other scenario we would applaud this dude for taking advantage of the system.
and all of that phony shyt went right outta the window when yall let Ross off the hook. We are grown people listening to this music, you don't need a rapper to separate fiction from reality for you. You should know by now when a nikka is real and when he's full of shyt.
Thats new tho. When the gangster rap first started we were told its reality. The rappers are just writing songs about the things they see in their neighborhoods on a day to day basis. Now we're told that rappers are like filmmakers just writing stories to entertain the masses...
But gangster movies don't make the most profit. Family movies do by far. So why aren't rappers pushed towards making family friendly raps if its just entertainment and supply and demand?
Interesting analogy becuz if you are a young black actor or filmmaker you have a better shot at getting paid by playing a criminal than playing any other role.
Who is making these decisions? Lots of questions to be asked before we say "its just entertainment"...