mortuus est
Didn't Ghostface go to Harvard?
Didn't Ghostface go to Harvard?
I'm more concerned for the example it sets for the youth. We got 30+ year old college grads rapping about selling drugs and being a trapper. How can anyone in their right mind take college seriously after seeing clowns like 2chainz and plies.
You know damn well you had no time to trap in between playing ball and maintaining a 4.0 avg. the nerve of these cats!!!
Don't see a problem with this. I was top 2% at my high school and some of the worst and most dangerous kids at my high school were right along with me when it was awards time and recognition days...they were top 1-10% of the class, not all but a nice number of them....
why is this 5 stars?
I never knew having bad grades was a prerequisite to trap?
this really means nothing
That would explain why he over enunciates his syllables.
Lol rappers not allowed to be smart now?