It's looking like spiderman 3.
too many villains, not enough screen time.
popular actors instead of the right actors.
Disagree breh, disagree. It's got three, but one main and Chris Nolan showed its possible to pull off multiple villains if you write them and connect them correctly. Electro exists because of Oscorp, Rhino is barely in it, and Goblin is connected to Electro. So it's not like Batman and Robin or Spider man 3 when you just toss villains together with no rhyme or reason. If you come up with a logical way for them to be connected in the story, then it works. Batman Begins had Falcone, Scarecrow and Ra's. Dark Knight had Maronie,(sic), Joker, and Two-Face and in both cases, they were all connected in one way or another and not just thrown together. It's a lazy criticism to throw at the movie without seeing any of it in action.