At the end of the day, people think republicans are low common denominators concerning how to reach people, but from day zero they are about them guerrilla tactics ala ham radio.
Thus you have folks listening to talking heads ala alpha males discussion red pill bullshyt.
Goofy ass black folks that identify with them ala half of The Coli
And social media being compromised by paid actors, propaganda, and conspiracy talking points.
Dems rely on the same media that's sinking. Most people hate celebs like Cardi and em, yet Kamala ran the playbook to a tee.
Folks despise rich flaky celebs but dikkride trump and em because "big business".
Heads desire the bad guy and America loves gangsters.
On the real somebody like Newsom would have been perfect for the Dems but he didn't want no parts of it. And folks fail to realize that Bernie bros are still livid over 2016 because that was their meal ticket.
All in all, this is all on the Dems having to rely on the same vice that kept failing over and over.
There was a reason why the Obama campaign was amazing. Because dude did it organically and seem like he was for the people. The other side of the coin, trump resonates to Joe the Plumber ass white folks that fail to see the grift.
Oh well, try again in 2028 and mid terms