2024 United States Presidential Election Megathread

Most Important Election of Our Lives

  • Yes

    Votes: 103 59.9%
  • Nígga Please

    Votes: 69 40.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

the bossman

Sep 4, 2012
Norfeast D.C.




Nov 1, 2015

What if I told you the plot to block Georgia’s 2024 election results is largely being driven by one person?

An illegal meeting, election rule changes & a key player pushing Trump’s agenda — something big is going on behind the scenes in Georgia.

Here's why you should care. ⬇️

The @Guardian's Sam Levine (@srl) published a new story breaking down how Janice Johnston, a Republican-appointed Georgia Election Board member, has become the driving force behind MAGA’s efforts to obstruct the certification of election results. How Janice Johnston is ‘laying the groundwork for chaos’ in Georgia’s elections

Johnston's rapid rise to one of the most powerful positions in Georgia elections is no accident.

She went from a relatively unknown poll watcher to a key player on the Election Board thanks to pressure from MAGA election deniers and Trump allies.

.@FairFightAction's @GWLauren told @Guardian: [She] seems to be the one really running Georgia’s election board...By giving extremists who are all in on Trump’s 2020 election lies the power to block the certification of votes, she’s laying the groundwork for election chaos.

Johnston has led the 3-member Georgia Election Board MAGA majority to pass election rule changes that allow local election officials, many who believe Trump's lies about his 2020 election loss, to refuse to certify election results based on irregularities, without evidence.

One rule change gives new power to election officials that makes their duty to certify election results discretionary, conflicting with state law which says the duties are mandatory.

The vague language allows MAGA officials to demand endless documentation & block certification.

Democrats are suing to block the election rule changes that conflict with Georgia law and could lead to post-election “chaos” in November. https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/26/politics/democrats-lawsuit-georgia-certification-rules/index.html

On Friday, Sept. 20, the MAGA Election Board passed another rule change that seems meant to create a fail point in Georgia's election system.
Pro-Trump Georgia election board changes rules 45 days before election

The rule change requires poll officers to hand count the total number of Election Day ballots cast and reconcile those totals with the totals reported by ballot scanners. MAGA Republicans pass new election rules in Georgia that could rig the state for Trump

The logistical challenge of hand counting thousands of votes so quickly will likely lead to errors.

It seems the MAGA operation wants to create an election failure point so they can cry fraud and try to install Trump as the winner, even if he doesn’t earn a majority of votes.

Before the MAGA Election Board members passed this rule change on Friday, Sept. 20, the Georgia Attorney General warned that the rule change, and others, likely violate state law.

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🗳️ NEW: The Georgia Attorney General issued a stark warning to the MAGA Election Board today that their rules changes may exceed their authority & violate state law.

The AG's warning came just before the pro-Trump board's Friday meeting to further change election rules. ⬇️

Johnston isn’t acting alone. She’s working with a network of election deniers who buy Trump’s Big Lie & some who aided his failed attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

They're changing rules to try & give themselves the power to install the leader that they, not voters, choose.

In emails, Johnston coordinated with people like David Hancock, a Gwinnett County election official and staunch election denier, to strategize on how to delay certification and push election fraud conspiracies into the mainstream. Here's How Pro-Trump Georgia Officials Wrote New Rules to Deny Election Results

On the Election Board, Johnston has continued to push lies about 2020 election fraud (the results were affirmed by 2 different recounts).

During a May meeting, she suggested there could be over 17,000 ballots missing in Fulton county because ballot images had not been provided.

The false claim about missing chain-of-custody documents in Fulton County – circulated by election deniers seeking to overturn the 2020 election – has been widely debunked. Fact Check: Fulton County Is Not Missing Ballots Or Hundreds Of Drop Box Custody Forms

A lawyer for the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, said unequivocally there were no missing ballots: “We have the paper ballots. The paper ballots exist. There’s no 17,000 missing ballots.” How Janice Johnston is ‘laying the groundwork for chaos’ in Georgia’s elections

Regardless of the facts and reality, Johnston still filed a motion to have the Secretary of State deduct the 17,000 ballots – larger than President Joe Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia – from the certified vote total or investigate what happened. The motion failed.

Even more concerning, Johnston is coordinating with Trump allied election deniers Julie Adams and Michael Heekin, Fulton County election officials who have refused to certify elections.

This provides a clear picture of how far they’re willing to go. Republican who refused to certify Georgia primary a member of election denialist group

Johnston’s ties to Trump were revealed when he praised her at an Atlanta rally in August, calling her a “pit bull” fighting for “victory.”

Johnston waved as the crowd cheered, showing her allegiance to Trump’s election-denial agenda.

Here's the video. ⬇️

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The Georgia State Election Board members Trump thanked & singled out were recently appointed:

Janice Johnston
Rick Jeffares
Janelle King

Trump called them "pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory."

So, what exactly are they fighting for?

Trump’s praise isn’t just for show — it’s a signal.

By praising Johnston and the other MAGA board members at his rally, Trump is ensuring his base knows who to rely on to undermine Georgia’s election results if he doesn’t win.

Despite concerns about Johnston's actions from Georgia Republicans and Democrats, her influence on the Election Board has grown.

She’s become the leader of a MAGA voting bloc on the board that seems determined to block certification and sow chaos in Georgia’s election.

More danger lies in the precedent Johnston's actions are setting.

If election deniers can obstruct certification in 2024, we could be looking at a chaotic future where election results are constantly questioned, undermining our electoral process, and weakening our democracy.

Despite all of this, it's crucial to remember that we, the voters, can still stop MAGA's plot to obstruct our elections.

As Georgia voters, we have real political power. MAGA wouldn't be working so hard to veto our votes if we didn't have the power to stop them.

That's why it's so critical that Georgians show up to vote in this election — and don't wait until November.

Early voting starts in October. Make your plan today: Peach Vote: Georgia Election Dates, Voting Information and Deadlines.

We can stop MAGA's scheme to install Trump in power by showing up to vote in huge numbers (too large for MAGA to lie about fraud), like we did in 2020.

Talk to friends, family & neighbors — especially those who don't usually vote.

We’ve beat Trump before. We can do it again.

Really appreciate your help spreading this crucial information!

If you want to turn out voters in battleground states, volunteer with
@FairFightAction: Fair Fight - Let's Freaking Go Volunteer - LFGV 2024

Aren’t able to volunteer? Consider supporting Fair Fight with a contribution: Chip in to Fair Fight >>

Please retweet the first tweet in this thread to share!⬇️

Make sure to follow @FairFightAction, a pro-voter org pushing back on MAGA's anti-voter plot.

Consider giving me a follow if you’re interested in Georgia updates.

[Quoted tweet]
What if I told you the plot to block Georgia’s 2024 election results is largely being driven by one person?

An illegal meeting, election rule changes & a key player pushing Trump’s agenda — something big is going on behind the scenes in Georgia.

Here's why you should care. ⬇️

To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196


the artist known az

Hail the victors
May 3, 2012
TSC FA' Life #ByrdGang


Nov 1, 2015

The Georgia State Election Board meeting is starting. Going to cover it here.

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Georgia State Election Board overrules chair decision 3-2 to not amend agenda.

Sara Tindall: "I have a hard time understanding how our mantra is 'transparency' and we are talking about debating a rule that nobody in the public has seen."

Link to live stream

Janice Johnston falsely claims the 2020 election results cannot be trusted.

Janice Johnston full opening statement attacking Sara Tindall and the media for their coverage of the partisan State Election Board meeting.

John Fervier: "We all need to respect each other's opinions."

Sara Tindall responds to Janice Johnston's false claims.

Now Janelle King, totally out of line, is attacking and arguing with Sara Tindall.

Seems like Chairman John Fervier has lost control.

John Fervier: "Let me just say that it's highly inappropriate for this board to have these kinds of conversations in the public."

Janelle King responds without a hint of irony: "We gotta protect our integrity."

Janice Johnston: "As I reflected upon this weekend, I thought, yes, character assassination. Yes, media murder, yes. And lawfare lynching. And that's where this is all headed."


"We have a crisis of public trust in Georgia." — Says Cobb County GOP Chair, Salleigh Grubbs, without shame or any hint of self-reflection.

Discussing rule amendment 183-1-12-.13, Storage of Returns.

Sara Tindall makes the point that these rules changes won't apply to 2024 election then schools Salleigh Grubbs: "My interpretation is the law."

Who's running this meeting because it doesn't look like John Fervier is.

"Are you ready to restore public trust in our elections?" — Election denier and conspiracy theorist, Lucia Frazier.

Lucia Frazier is the wife of Jason Frazier who just dismissed his frivolous lawsuit once Marc Elias got involved.

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🚨BREAKING: Rightwing activists DISMISS lawsuit alleging that Fulton County, GA is failing to maintain accurate voter rolls and neglecting to respond to voter challenges. This follows the filing of a motion to dismiss by our client. democracydocket.com/cases/ge…

I hope reporters and the media follow up on this because the Georgia State Election Board is allowing someone who still believes the 2020 election was stolen to submit rule changes on state electors.

Both Sara Tindall and Janelle King keep telling Lucia Frazier that the board cannot make changes without the SEB and the public being allowed time to review them. She doesn't get it and keeps trying to manipulate members.

Once again, I'm really trying not to drop f-bombs.

It's pretty obvious that the MAGA members of the board are working behind the scenes with conspiracy theorists like Lucia Frazier — Which is outrageous.

In an effort to seemingly twist the arm of the board, Janice Johnston says that the board has passed emergency rules in the past.

The board is now essentially giving Lucia Frazier advice saying she should withdraw the rule change, which she does.

Sara Tindall: "Being given a totally different draft now, on the morning... that we're supposed to give an up or down vote on rule-making is not a deliberative process and not one I'm comfortable with."

You know it's bad when even MAGA member Janelle King agrees.

Janelle King just tipped her hand: "It feels like we're working thru a development of a rule as we speak. That is not what we're supposed to be doing right now."

Stop me if you've heard this one before. Two conspiracy theorists walk into a State Election Board meeting...

Janelle King used to be a media personality and it shows.

John Fervier has had enough. Rick Jeffares makes a motion to deny the petition and passes 3-1, with MAGA member Janice Johnston being the lone no vote.

Notably, Janelle King tells election denier Lucia Frazier that they'll work together to re-present the rule.

Missed this earlier but big if true.

Cobb County GOP Chair Salleigh Grubbs just said SoS elections director, Blake Evans, instructed county officials to disregard rules from the SEB.

For context

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The SEB continues today. Cobb GOP chair Salleigh Grubbs, in a proposal, attacked election directors for (gasp) having communications with the Secretary of State, and accused the Georgia Association of Voter Registration and Election Officials of being a "partisan" organization.

Marilyn Marks has often argued, including with me, that QR codes on paper ballots cannot be trusted and can be changed to not match the human-readable text.

But, unless I'm missing something, she's admitting that recounts are done by humans reading the text not the QR codes.

One more time for tinfoil hat folks (freaks?) screaming that QR codes don't belong on ballots.

John Fervier: "This board passing a rule that would take effect in the middle of an election would be interesting at best." 🤷‍♂️ /search?q=#gapol

State Election Board is now discussing voter challenges complaints, or "citizen challenges" as MAGA member Janice Johnston calls it.

Georgia State Election Board reaaally hates Marc Elias because he keeps winning.

There's no more irony left, folks.

DeKalb GOP Chair, Marci McCarthy: "The DeKalb Republican Party has been dedicated to restoring faith, integrity, and trust... in our elections."

Damn. They’re meeting again TODAY Monday?!? wtf!!!

It's a continuation. They ran out of time Friday.

I will make it simple for you GA people to understand. Vote by machine as usual and if the looser doesn’t like the count then hand count. Otherwise don’t fix what’s not broke. That’s how it’s been.

This is absolutely horrifying. Lord- may justice prevail.

They should be replaced. Republicans disrespecting voters and election officials who are very familiar with how an election in Georgia is completed. 44 days and attempting to interfere in an election because he will not win unless votes don't count. I trust the voters, not them.

Thank you!

Thanks for the summary!

Thanks for covering this! What a mess...

Thanks for watching and posting!

Oh my….🙄

Thanks for the link! I have classes today and can't follow as closely as I wish!

@MSNBC @maddow

Really appreciate your coverage. It’s incredible how this board is working off of a premise that over 60 lawsuits failed to prove but I guess people willing to tank democracy in the name of MAGA won’t cease anytime soon

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