King Kreole
natural blondie like goku
Look, if you think the mainstream media has "only occasionally found the courage to criticize Trump" or pretended he's just "business as usual" we are operating in different realities and there isn't going to be much value in having this discussion. Granted, I do not watch or listen to right wing media like Fox. So if that's who you're talking about, that would account for our difference in opinion. But I'm talking about the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, Atlantic, the Big Three Networks, etc. If you think there has been a lack of opprobrium towards Trump coming out of these media organs, especially after January 6th...I don't know what you're watching.The idea that Trump has been relentlessly "shyt on" by the media is laughable. What the media has really done is treat him with a odd mix of kid gloves and addiction to the spectacle, amplifying his insanity while pretending it's just business as usual. Sure, they report on the latest outrage, but they wrap it in both-sides nonsense by calling blatant lies "controversial statements," sane washing his Nazi-esque obsession with eugenics as a simple "fascination" and sedition as "chaos," among other things, as if framing his assault on democracy as just another day at the office.
They platformed his rallies for ratings, sanitized his authoritarianism, and only occasionally findd the courage to criticize him, usually after the damage was already done. The media's obsession with Trump has been shallow, reactive, and cowardly. They're more concerned with clicks and appearances than with holding power to account. And no, the fact that people still vote for him isn't proof that the media has done its job; it's proof they've failed to confront the deeper sickness that makes him palatable. They haven't framed him as the existential threat he is. They've framed him as entertainment. If "liberals" are frustrated, it's not because they expect the media to fight their battles for them, but because the media failed in its responsibility, which is to tell the truth and treat Trump's movement as the danger it is, not as a recurring reality show villain.
I think you're perhaps confusing the capitalism-driven media corporations for the content being produced by their liberal workers. I don't disagree that the corporation loves the fukkery because it's good for business, but that doesn't mean they're sane-washing Trump. The journalist and content producers hate him because he represents a b*stardization of their worldview and diminishes the prestige of their jobs, so they use their platform to cosplay Will McAvoy and make speeches about "this is not who we are". The corporation is indifferent to Trump, it only care about profit maximization through eyeballs. If anything, the push from the corporation has been to highlighting Trump's car crash fukkery because it keeps people watching. Neither entity has an incentive to ignore Trump or treat him passively or with kid gloves. This is a good thread about this very issue:
You've spent years on here extolling the virtues of Trump and pushing the distorted reality where he is a force for good, so I don't think you have the good sense to actually look at this with a truly critical eye. No offense.

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