nah. it's whataboutism to deflect blame
There're states who implemented different policies from other states with different results to their local economy and education
Simple policy that was deemed right wing misinformation/disinformation was to not shutdown your economy, do not then pass trillions in covid spending and stimulus checks, demanding the Fed reserve to react sooner, rather than later
Keeping America open wouldn’t have prevented inflation when much of our supply chains are overseas. You realize China is still going through lockdowns as we post right?
Stimulus checks didn’t have a huge impact on inflation neither did government spending.
You realize we have inflation because the economy is
too strong right? Supply can’t keep up with demand.
That is why the fed is raising rates.. too crush the economy and temper demand so that supply chains can keep up.
There is no Republican policy that could have been enacted in which inflationary conditions could have been avoided
if anything you’re asking for more socialist policies.. price controls, demand private companies produce more etc..
So again I ask, why does Republicans deserve power?