Openly Gay Booty Egg vs Trump
I can't see it
I’ve been reading these articles on his difficulty and all of this reminds me so much about Obama in 07
I’m telling y’all the parallels are scary.
Like I said he is definitely gonna lose the general but Obama struggled with Black voters especially black women at first with Hillary beating him
Remember the state that was the key to Obama surging. Iowa. He won the Iowa caucus and then Hillary started faltering and Billy started showing his racist ass with the comments about how Obama would be getting them coffee years back
Anyway I can see a scenario where Biden is leading like Hillary was in 2008 then when he loses say the Iowa caucus to Buttiegg it’s a “shock” for everyone and to make a desperate attempt to get the racists he makes a dumb statement. Biden is gaffe prone and I doubt he goes a year without saying something stupid. He already has said at least 5 dumb things in the past several months
There has been numerous articles saying that Pete and Warren are rising in the polls and he(Biden)has been losing numbers
I also forget when this was but didn’t Biden even say before he asked Obama not to try to endorse him or anything? There could be various reasons to that and it can just be politics but who is to say if Biden’s history of racism becomes too much and Obama does the unexpected and endorses Buttiegg to catch everyone off guard.
Oprah is the big endorsement that helped him and Michelle get into the White House. Oprah lost respect in the Black community for the MJ smear tactics and other things over the years so that wouldn’t work. And as far as endorsements go she would be played out anyway
If not Michelle herself as an endorsement or even VP candidate, Pete is going to have a Black woman who is highly respected
If someone like Taraji P Henson endorses Pete, Black women will vote for him in droves
And with Biden I still think y’all are taking his “creep” image too lightly. White women only want their Trump as their creep.
@Black Trash! even if she did have charisma she wouldn’t win breh. She is in favor of reparations for Black people and Bernie showed us with his recent antics that his “Democratic socialists” only want it for Jews
Basically most white people dont want that and that by itself won’t let her win anything.