
Master Baker
May 1, 2012
i also find it hilarious when i said go start a third party, some of the same people saying they won't vote now, were in my face saying we'd just hand the republicans a W by doing they're happy to hand the republicans a W over their candidate. the hypocrisy of this board never ceases to amaze :mjgrin:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Why is Bernie losing? Because he's not running against a woman

7-8 minutes

On Tuesday night, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont did something out of character for a politician: He stayed silent.

Sanders needed to meet or outperform his election results from his 2016 Democratic primary race against Hillary Clinton, especially in Midwestern states like Michigan and Missouri. He didn't. Instead he saw his share of the vote shrink dramatically in his contest with former Vice President Joe Biden. (Sanders had won roughly half the vote against Clinton in both those states. That fell to 36.5% in Michigan and 35% in Missouri.)

Rather than make the customary speech to supporters, urging them to rally for the next round of primaries, Sanders instead flew home to Vermont. Early on Wednesday afternoon, he held a press conference making clear he will stay in the race for now, although even the mathematical possibility of victory is almost gone.

It's not surprising that Sanders felt gut-punched. In 2016, the argument was that he performed well against Clinton in those two states — beating her in Michigan, equaling her in Missouri — because voters, especially white Midwestern voters, were angry at the Democratic establishment for being too timid and hungered for Sanders' economic populism. After Clinton lost to Donald Trump in November 2016, Bernie's more trollish supporters harassed Clinton supporters with cries of "Bernie woulda won," leaning on the claim that she lost these white Midwestern voters due to "neoliberalism."

These 2020 Midwestern losses smash that theory to bits. Historically, Biden hasn't just been to the right of Sanders, but also clearly to Clinton's right as well. In a "neoliberal" contest between Clinton and Biden, Biden is the clear winner. Biden supported the devastating GOP bankruptcy bill, which Clinton voted against. Biden has openly flirted with cuts to Social Security, which Clinton has never supported. Biden was ranked more liberal than 69% of the Senate, but when both were members of that chamber, Clinton was ranked more liberal than 84% of the Senate.


No, Sanders did well in these Midwestern contests in 2016 for a simple reason: He was the man in the race.

Now that Sanders doesn't have the gender advantage, a bunch of voters are decamping to Biden. Or to be more specific, white voters in the Midwest are decamping to Biden. Black voters voted for Biden and Clinton in roughly the same percentages in these states as they did in 2016. In fact, Sanders did slightly better with black voters than he did last time.

The difference we see right now is in white voters, especially white men, who bailed out on Sanders in large numbers now that they've got another white man to vote for.

As Ezra Klein of Vox put it on Twitter, we're looking at "a natural experiment in — to put it gently — the role gender plays in voter preferences" What that experiment reveals is that Biden is far outperforming Clinton, even though "Clinton was a sharper candidate with more support from party leadership and more money." Add to that the fact Sanders should arguably be a stronger candidate than he was in 2016 — he has far more money and universal name recognition — and the overall picture is looking mighty sexist.

There's no point in hiding how enraging this is for many women. For four years now, feminists have argued that sexism played a major role both in the ugliness of the 2016 primary and in Clinton's loss in the Midwest to Trump. In response, we have been gaslit and harassed, told we were imagining things, told that sexism isn't a factor anymore, and that Trump's victory was about "economic insecurity" instead.

But we were right. It was about gender the whole time.

At least it was in these much-watched Midwestern states. The data elsewhere shows a more confused picture, particularly in earlier contests where more candidates were on the ballot. In other states Biden won, like Texas, the effect is more muted — Sanders got 41% of white voters in 2016, but 30% this time, for instance. That's probably because Texas Democrats of all races are more cosmopolitan, while rural Democrats still have a lot of power in the Midwest.

Still, white male identity politics mattered a lot in Oklahoma, where Sanders saw his share of white voters drop from 56% to 25%. And it mattered in Tennessee, where Sanders saw white voters leave him, dropping him from 42% to 26% of those voters. And while Sanders is set to win the lily-white state of North Dakota, he still dropped from 64% to 53% in those four years.

To be certain, there are plenty of other factors impacting this race. Many of the people voting for Biden this time also voted for Clinton in 2016, suggesting that voting for a man was less important to them than voting for a standard-issue Democrat. (This was especially true of black voters.) Turnout continues to be high, especially in states like Michigan, but the percentage of that turnout that is young voters continues to plummet.

Overall, this paints a picture similar to the one we saw in the 2018 midterms: Everyday Democrats are alarmed by Trump and turning out in huge numbers, because they want to do whatever they can to get Trump out of office. Not all of them are motivated by sexism, and in fact, about half of Sen. Elizabeth Warren's former supporters have broken for Biden. Many of the suburban women activated by their anger over Trump were probably never going to vote for Sanders in any race, but voted for Biden because they don't have an alternative. All these things are contributing to Biden's rapidly increasing share of the delegate count.

But Michigan and Missouri were a neat scientific experiment all the same. Sanders did remarkably well in both states in 2016, and argued that his economic populism rather than his gender was the reason. We got to re-run the experiment in 2020, but with a more conservative male opponent this time. The result? Biden did way better than Hillary Clinton, despite being clearly more conservative, in the same head-to-head match-up.

Does this mean Americans can never elect a female president? No. Clinton got nearly 3 million more votes than Trump in 2016. Partisanship appears to matter more than gender when it comes to general elections. Some states, like Texas, present data that suggest gender wasn't much of a factor in the primary. But in the Midwest, which is where Clinton lost in 2016, gender seems to have mattered a lot.

It should be indisputable now that a strong preference for white male leaders is still guiding Democratic primary voters, at least in some parts of the country. It's still an open question whether Biden can do better than Clinton did in the general election in those states where, as we all know, she lost by razor-thin margins that allowed Trump to win the election. Is being a white man with a D next to your name all it takes to beat Trump in those key Midwestern regions? I suppose we'll find out.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
He’s gonna stay on his Clint Eastwood Gran Torino shyt and most likely the youth will stay home in November.
the youth just stayed home in march :yeshrug: fukk em

and anyway, enough youth feel strongly about hating trump that they'll vote for obama's VP. meanwhile, biden appeals to older voters who actually vote

bernie's revolution got exposed as a complete jerkoff when biden beat him in michigan


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
i also find it hilarious when i said go start a third party, some of the same people saying they won't vote now, were in my face saying we'd just hand the republicans a W by doing they're happy to hand the republicans a W over their candidate. the hypocrisy of this board never ceases to amaze :mjgrin:
That 7% :mjpls:



Apr 30, 2012
Which is a more powerless age demographic
Millennials or Gen X
Gen X. Millennials - as maligned as we are - are way more activist and outspoken than generation x. Generation X’s inability to wrest power away from baby boomers is a big part of why we are in this position. How are all our leaders old ass nikkas? Obama was supposed to spark the end of that but all of generation X sat out afraid of Hillary. It took a 76 year old white man to capture the imagination of millennials. Generation X flopped so bad that people are already starting to look for millennials as the next generation of elected officials.

Amy, Klobuchar, Castro, Booker, Bennett - that’s the best generation X had to offer. If it wasn’t for what they did in tech - they’d be entirely useless.


Apr 30, 2012
He literally said he has no empathy for the youth on camera.

He won’t bend at all. This is like people saying Trump would be moderate and rational.

You know that saying, “When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.”

Biden has shown nothing but contempt and dismissiveness toward progressive politics and the challenges faced by youth over and over so there’s no reason to believe he’s going to have some epiphany in that senile brain of his now regardless of what his aides tell him.

Hillary would’ve been a much better President for progressives because she was malleable at least; she adopted some watered-down versions of Bernie’s proposals in her 2016 campaign cause she understood the politics at least.

Biden scoffs at and gets angry any time he’s taken to task by progressives. I don’t see him doing much substantive good faith outreach to progressives and the youth at all. Septuagenarian entitled powerful white men like Biden and Trump don’t have the capacity for change.

He’s gonna stay on his Clint Eastwood Gran Torino shyt and most likely the youth will stay home in November.
And that is why the best argument for progressives to vote for him is that it gives us a place to fight from. If he loses then it’s going to be let’s all unite to remove Trump shyt.


Feb 4, 2015
The Godverse
Bernie's in a good position to get Biden to make concessions and move the party towards the left. Bernie is still getting like 30-40% of the votes, Biden is going to need everyone one of those Bernie voters to vote for him in November. I think Bernie will go down as the Barry Goldwater of the right in that even though he lost the election, he will win the ideological war. :ehh:

the next guy

May 2, 2012
Gen X. Millennials - as maligned as we are - are way more activist and outspoken than generation x. Generation X’s inability to wrest power away from baby boomers is a big part of why we are in this position. How are all our leaders old ass nikkas? Obama was supposed to spark the end of that but all of generation X sat out afraid of Hillary. It took a 76 year old white man to capture the imagination of millennials. Generation X flopped so bad that people are already starting to look for millennials as the next generation of elected officials.

Amy, Klobuchar, Castro, Booker, Bennett - that’s the best generation X had to offer. If it wasn’t for what they did in tech - they’d be entirely useless.
Generation X was all about being the victims. Look at Weinsteins accusers. Nearly all of them Gen X, and have crappy relationships with their baby boomer and greatest generation parents. They made living at home when 30+ cool and normalized half the country being divorced.