Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
By most accounts it was because people felt other people wouldn't vote for her because she's a woman. She needed any group to push her to an early victory like Bernie & Joe got but it never came.

From September... Polls on ability to beat Trump
Elizabeth Warren: Among Democratic voters, she is well-liked and electable | YouGov

Third choice of Bernie voters
Second choice of Buttigieg voters
Polled reasonably well amongst all candidates outside of Biden and Bloomberg (which if that was always your number one candidate then :heh:)

Why risk what we have

Literally everything you said is wrong.

“By most accounts people didn’t vote for her because she’s a woman.” What accounts? The ones you made up?

What did you post a random poll from September for??? Warren has consistently had higher unfavorables than both Biden and Bernie, polls worse against Trump than both of them and her approval ratings as a Senator are in the 20s in her home state, in which she came in 3rd in the primary.

Lol@you saying she’s the 2nd choice and the 3rd choice to 2 candidates who didn’t win like that’s supposed to bolster your case.

Just say you like her and you think she’s the best choice for president out of the field. Saying she’s the best candidate to win is empirically false. If she was, she would’ve like you know...won?

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Cursing out a gun nut is not an example of toxic masculinity. FOH :hhh: :camby:.
Nah but shushing his Black female aide was perhaps.

Anyway it’s not about Biden being toxically masculine, it’s about hypocrisy. These clowns spent the last year basically accusing a gentle 78 year old man who’s too nice for his own good of toxic masculinity because his Twitter followers use snake emojis. Now they’re gonna :cape: for CTE Biden, whose “toxic masculinity” bonafides dwarf Bernie’s by any objective comparison.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
What concession? He won’t even entertain a M4A that passes through both the house & senate :mjlol: He’s shown no desire to get the young vote.
He literally said he has no empathy for the youth on camera.

He won’t bend at all. This is like people saying Trump would be moderate and rational.

You know that saying, “When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.”

Biden has shown nothing but contempt and dismissiveness toward progressive politics and the challenges faced by youth over and over so there’s no reason to believe he’s going to have some epiphany in that senile brain of his now regardless of what his aides tell him.

Hillary would’ve been a much better President for progressives because she was malleable at least; she adopted some watered-down versions of Bernie’s proposals in her 2016 campaign cause she understood the politics at least.

Biden scoffs at and gets angry any time he’s taken to task by progressives. I don’t see him doing much substantive good faith outreach to progressives and the youth at all. Septuagenarian entitled powerful white men like Biden and Trump don’t have the capacity for change.

He’s gonna stay on his Clint Eastwood Gran Torino shyt and most likely the youth will stay home in November.
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