
Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
In general its too much fanboyism in here. "yall" "bernie bros" "biden boyz" whatever, ya'll seem more invested in talking about supporters than the issues. I like Bernie and Warren, I voted Bernie because he's the front runner. If Liz was the front runner I'd vote for her without an issue.
It’s why Democrats don’t win and why average Americans always lose out. Policies don’t mean much to people. It’s sad with all the information we have now, people are still as politically uneducated as they were in the 1800s.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
There is no meaningful difference to me between a "bernie bro" and someone who is "warren or bust" / runs around whining about "bernie bros" all day.
I think the group of us that are pro Warren/Sanders are the only losers here. If Warren were the leader I'd easily have voted for her. If they were "tied" I'd wouldn't have voted early and would have a tough decision today.
This. I was pushing Warren harder than Bernie in the fall but now they are calling Bernie/Warren voters who have moved to Bernie when he took the lead "cult members" because we're no longer supporting an unviable candidate.

Do BernieBros still think people believe the whole "Warren is my #2..if she was ahead of him I would vote for her" bullshyt? You niccas have showed so much ass in the last couple months no one actually believes that bullshyt. You people keep using that as a method of not appearing as a member of the occult but that shyt don't fly anymore.
I've already posted the exact receipts just yesterday or the day before. Last year all Spring/Summer I said, "I'm voting for whichever one of them takes the lead when it matters", then in the fall I said, "Warren really looks like the superior candidate and Bernie's time may have passed, I think we should rally behind her" (I even preferred her when they were even, mostly due to her age and gender and getting a little caught up in the "she's got a plan!" narrative). I didn't get back behind Bernie until he took back the lead and positioned himself as the much stronger candidate both in the Democratic field as well as in the head-to-heads against Trump. This is well-documented on this very board.

Also, for the sake of historical accuracy, Bernie had a big lead on Warren until July of 2019, they were basically tied in the polls from July through mid-September, Warren then took a big lead that lasted until mid-November, and then after a bit of wrestling Bernie then took off from December on. Do a search on my posts where I mention "Warren" and you can see my support for her matching those trends almost exactly.


Jun 3, 2012
In general its too much fanboyism in here. "yall" "bernie bros" "biden boyz" whatever, ya'll seem more invested in talking about supporters than the issues. I like Bernie and Warren, I voted Bernie because he's the front runner. If Liz was the front runner I'd vote for her without an issue.
:salute:Co-sign 100 percent. I wish more people cared policy and didn’t become stans.


Apr 30, 2012
:salute:Co-sign 100 percent. I wish more people cared policy and didn’t become stans.
People can look my post up here. I've been saying I won't lose sleep as long as it's Bernie or Warren. But Warren needs to take a hard look at where she stands after today because the party ain't really got love for her either.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
In general its too much fanboyism in here. "yall" "bernie bros" "biden boyz" whatever, ya'll seem more invested in talking about supporters than the issues. I like Bernie and Warren, I voted Bernie because he's the front runner. If Liz was the front runner I'd vote for her without an issue.
If Warren was in the lead and Bernie hadn't won a single state, I would be hoping he would drop out. :yeshrug:
There is no meaningful difference to me between a "bernie bro" and someone who is "warren or bust" / runs around whining about "bernie bros" all day.
I think the group of us that are pro Warren/Sanders are the only losers here. If Warren were the leader I'd easily have voted for her. If they were "tied" I'd wouldn't have voted early and would have a tough decision today.
You can find that orgin story literally at any given moment on twitter if you search both warren and sanders names, but sure its all a cult ploy:popcorn3: you're the one sounding crazy in here
People can look my post up here. I've been saying I won't lose sleep as long as it's Bernie or Warren. But Warren needs to take a hard look at where she stands after today because the party ain't really got love for her either.

@FAH1223 I know you're on the Bernie/Warren wave too.

It's ridiculous to fight. They're straight attacking Warren supporters who just moved to Bernie when he became the clear frontrunner because they're the only holdouts who don't want to move. And then they pretend that we're the ones who are stubborn and unflexible.

I'm posting this and it's the last time I'm talking about it. Here's what I said about Warren vs. Bernie from January to November of last year:

Right now I wouldn't mind if either Sanders or Warren won and I'm like some of Yang's ideas to keep getting airplay. No one else has impressed me enough yet.
I like Warren too, more than Bernie in several ways
Sanders and Warren in particular are far better.
But it's stupid to pit Warren and Bernie against each other when there are far more important battles out there. Warren needs to be fighting for name recognition and proving that she can campaign nationally at all. I'd be happier with her as the nominee than almost anyone else (I'd rather not support Bernie as old as he is), but she doesn't look like she has a great shot yet and siphoning a couple people off Bernie ain't gonna get her there.
And I'm not engaging in the Bernie vs. Warren debate. I'd happily support either and I'm not invested in either. Whichever one of them can win is fine by me.
I like Bernie a lot but I think I'm starting to agree that Warren is the more viable candidate at this stage.
I'm beginning to think that Bernie may have peaked, and not in a bad way.

He's the radical that said stuff no one was willing to say in 2016. He changed the entire conversation. Back then there was just one Bernie, now it feels like everyone other than Biden is defined by how many of Bernie's ideas they're promoting.

At his age, and without the stark choice that he used to be presenting between himself and the establishment, he's not necessarily the best choice for 2020 anymore. I'm not saying he should drop out right now or anything, but I think he might be on a downward trend that's going to last. But if the result of his candidacy is that Warren or Harris or any number of the young up-and-comers is promoting his ideas in the majority of their platform, he'll have done his good work. They just have to finish the job and actually win the damn election.

My receipts are there. I supported Warren as long as it looked like she could win. Facts are facts.

I done with the dumb shyt. Let's just try to win an election rather than an internet fight.


Apr 30, 2012
Nah I'm still coming at Bernie supporters neck. You don't get to engage in bad faith arguments, turn hypocrite at the drop of a hat, and attack your closest ideological ally for an entire primary cycle and than right at the cusp of likely getting bodied by moderates plead for unity. Not gonna happen. I hope Warren says fucck yall just to see you guys continue to embarrass yourselves.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Let me see :jbhmm:


@#1 pick is going for Trump over Bernie :mjpls:


@King Kreole has been low energy since Warren's been putting up worse numbers than Amy and Pete, all his posts as of late have been cosplays of mean Twitter Bernie Bros

@dora_da_destroyer haven't seen her cheerlead for Biden but she would rather die of cancer than get taxed extra 2k a year, so I just did the math :manny:

@AZBeauty and @NY's #1 Draft Pick seem like reasonable people :ehh:

:whoa: I would dip my balls in battery acid before supporting Biden over Bernie. That's not even a choice to me. I was one of the most anti-Biden posters during the early primary and only stopped because I was sure he would croak any moment. I'm on record as stating his weirdo history with women and girls is near disqualifying, and he's running the laziest campaign I've ever seen. I'm also on record as stating I have little to no problem with Bernie the man, I think he's handled himself pretty admirably this entire campaign. It's the staffers, surrogates and media/twitter coalition in the tank for Bernie that I've had a problem with. I've saluted AOC, Ryan Grim, Benjamin Dixon, Emma Vigeland, and other pro-Bernie voices that I feel have been more than reasonable and are doing the work of building out the progressive coalition without resorting to ridiculous anti-Warren smears or falsehoods that are so prevalent in Bernie land. But I'm still gonna shyt on the twitter leftists and other Bernie or Bust people who show their ass and choose to antagonize close allies and unnecessarily turn people away from the movement because they want to build their little clubhouse. :yeshrug:

Of course I'm low energy, Warren was my candidate and the only one I had full confidence in, but she hasn't been showing up in the votes. Bernie was able to consolidate the progressive lane fair and square, didn't resort to any dirty tricks to do so, I respect that. That's democracy.

Uno Venova

Your honor, I was merely capping.
May 29, 2012
Nah I'm still coming at Bernie supporters neck. You don't get to engage in bad faith arguments, turn hypocrite at the drop of a hat, and attack your closest ideological ally for an entire primary cycle and than right at the cusp of likely getting bodied by moderates plead for unity. Not gonna happen. I hope Warren says fucck yall just to see you guys continue to embarrass yourselves.
nikkas really pledging grudges like woo vs choo how fukking sad.


Retired Legend
Apr 30, 2012
Nah I'm still coming at Bernie supporters neck. You don't get to engage in bad faith arguments, turn hypocrite at the drop of a hat, and attack your closest ideological ally for an entire primary cycle and than right at the cusp of likely getting bodied by moderates plead for unity. Not gonna happen. I hope Warren says fucck yall just to see you guys continue to embarrass yourselves.
I blame the mods they allowed this climate, members are flat out being attacked for supporting candidates like we're in TLR. I don't care who you support( besides trump fukk him), you should be able to support your candidate during primary season without constant thread derail ,confirmation bias tweets and other vitriolic bs.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
This. I was pushing Warren harder than Bernie in the fall but now they are calling Bernie/Warren voters who have moved to Bernie when he took the lead "cult members" because we're no longer supporting an unviable candidate.
Anyone calling you or @FAH1223 or @storyteller or @No1 cult members don't know what they're talking about. Y'all support Bernie but have been consistently even handed and fair minded, able to see the long game. Exact opposite of a cult. Y'all good ass posters. :salute:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
I blame the mods they allowed this climate, members are flat out being attacked for supporting candidates like we're in TLR. I don't care who you support( besides trump fukk him), you should be able to support your candidate during primary season without constant thread derail ,confirmation bias tweets and other vitriolic bs.
After the thread was locked because there wasn’t enough Bernie love, the mods let us know what time it was

at this point you either admit there is a cult like obsession by some on this board with an ancillary need for a patriotic defense of Bernie

or you consistently ignore it focus on everything else which is a result of the former


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Nah I'm still coming at Bernie supporters neck. You don't get to engage in bad faith arguments, turn hypocrite at the drop of a hat, and attack your closest ideological ally for an entire primary cycle and than right at the cusp of likely getting bodied by moderates plead for unity. Not gonna happen. I hope Warren says fucck yall just to see you guys continue to embarrass yourselves.
This niqqa is furious. :mjlol: