I don't think it's fair to just call her wonkish. She's also better than him at articulating how she will implement her policies. This helps ease some of the tension some have about revolutionary change and why she doesn't get labeled as crazy. For example, the way she in a professorial way explained how she would pay for the student debt cancellation by increasing taxes on ultra millionaires 2 cents on the dollar was simple to understand and reasonable.
The way she also attacks race head on is extremely endearing and a huge red flag for Bernie. I'm surprised Nina Turner hasn't slapped some sense into him.
This is what I was talking to my mom about it. Either Nina, Killer Mike, or Cornell West or some influential Black person around him needs to sit him down and talk with him about how to answer these questions better with Black people. Even though Bernie is doing well with Black Americans compared to the other candidates, he still struggles knowing how to talk with us like he does with everybody else.
He's always on this "All Lives Matter" or including every Tom, dikk, and Harry in everything we've asked him or some inclusion B.S. that he wouldn't pull with other groups of people.
He needs some of those Black people around him to call his ass out on it.
He doesn't have to court the White working class or other groups at OUR expense and he needs somebody around him, not the White progressives, to tell him that.